Conference on Policing Minorities

12th – 15th September 2005, Romania

The Regional Facilitation and Negotiation Centre in cooperation with the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution, Denmark, the Danish Institute for Human Rights, Denmark, Romani Criss, Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies, Romania and the Ministry of Administration and Interior, Romania are pleased to announce the organizing of the conference Policing Minorities which is to take place between 12th and 15th September 2005 in Sinaia, Romania.

The event is funded by the Danish Secretariat for Peace and Stability Fund (FRESTA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Country participation: Bulgaria, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia and Denmark

Please find below more detailed information about the conference. Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Conference duration
Participants’ arrival: 12th September 2005
Participants’ departure: 15th September 2005

Location: Mara Hotel from Sinaia, Romania

The goal is to bring together representatives of police and non-governmental organizations in order:
-         to present the outcomes of the project Human Rights and Conflict Management for Roma Liaison Police Officers developed in Romania, and
-         to consider the context of developing policing minorities strategies in other countries in the region, particularly in the field of human rights and conflict management for police officers.

Activities proposed for this conference 
-         Presentation of the outcomes of “Human Rights and Conflict Management Project for Roma Liaison Police Officers”, Romanian project. The project team will offer a detailed image on how the project was implemented, the impact, the results and the lesson learnt;
-         Presentations and updating of the policing minorities context in the participant countries;
-         Debates on how the present policing minorities’ initiatives in different countries in the region can be developed/improved;
-         Extending of the activity of policing minority network set up in the workshop held in Romania in May 2004.
As an outcome, a report of the conference will be published, including the materials and working papers presented during the meeting. The report will be sent to all organizations and public institutions interested in this topic.
- representatives of the Ministry of Interior from the following countries: Bulgaria, Hungary, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and Macedonia;
- representatives of non-governmental organizations from the same countries, having priority those who were part of the workshop on policing minorities held in Romania in May 2004.

The participation costs including accommodation, meals and transportation (the flight ticket can be covered only in exceptional cases and the decision will be made based on individual evaluation of the applications) are covered by the organizers.
Should you be interested in the conference please contact:
Simona Hultoana
Regional Facilitation and Negotiation Center
4 Copou Bd., 3rd floor
700505 Iasi, Romania
phone: 40-232-254502
fax:     40-232-254503

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