This message is repeated afterwards in English.

Stimati colegi,

Va multumim frumos pentru interesul aratat pentru Conferinta 
Internationala "Europa celor 27 – Bun venit Bulgariei si Romaniei" pe 
care Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta o organizeaza pe 9 
Mai 2008 in Bucuresti.

Pentru a putea participa, va rugam sa va inscrieti pe site-ul 
conferintei, la sectiunea "Formular de inscriere": 

Nu se percepe taxa pentru participare la conferinta. Pranzul si pauza 
de cafea sunt oferite de organizatori in sistem catering. 
Cheltuielile de transport si cazare nu se deconteaza, ele fiind 
suportate de participanti. 

Termenul limita pentru inscriere pe site-ul conferintei este 15 
Aprilie 2008. De asemenea, pentru cei dintre dvs. care doresc sa 
prezinte lucrari pe tematica propusa, va rugam sa ne trimiteti 
rezumatul lucrarii pe email pana pe cel tarziu 15 Aprilie 2008, iar 
lucrarea finala pana pe 23 Aprilie 2008, dupa ce ati primit acordul 

Impreuna cu lucrarea finala, va rugam sa ne trimiteti pe email ca 
imagine scanata sau pe fax o scurta declaratie ca sunteti de acord ca 
lucrarea dvs. sa fie publicata pe CD-ul conferintei. 

Datorita numarului limitat de locuri vom accepta cu prioritate 
participantii care doresc sa prezinte si lucrari aferente tematicii 

Va reamintim temele conferintei: 
1.      Uniunea Europeana – trecut, prezent si viitor 
2.      Valori europene 
3.      Realizari europene 
4.      Diversitate europeana 
5.      Culturi si traditii in tarile europene 

Restul detaliilor despre conferinta (locatie, program, instructiuni 
de redactare a lucrarii, etc.) le gasiti pe site-ul conferintei. 

Daca mai aveti nevoie de alte informatii, nu ezitati sa ne scrieti la 

Cu stima,
Simona Capatan
Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta 

Dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for the interest shown in the International 
Conference "Europe of the 27 – Welcome Bulgaria and Romania" that 
Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning organizes on 9th May 2008 in 
Bucharest, Romania. 

In order to participate, please register on the conference website at 
the section "Registration form": 

There is no participation fee for this conference. The lunch and 
coffee break are offered by the organizers in catering system. The 
travel and accommodation expenses are not covered, they are in the 
charge of participants. 

The deadline for registering on the website of the conference is 15th 
April 2008. 
Those of you who wish to present also papers on the theme of the 
conferences, the deadline for sending the abstract of the paper by 
email is 15th April 2008 the latest, and the deadline for sending the 
final paper is 23rd April 2008, but only after you receive our 
notification that your paper was accepted. 

Together with the final paper, we are kindly asking you to send us by 
email as scanned image or by fax a short declaration that you agree 
to have your paper published on the CD of the conference. 

Due to limited places, we will accept with priority the participants 
who wish to present also papers related to the themes of the 

The themes of the conference are: 
1.      European Union – past, present and future 
2.      European values
3.      European achievements 
4.      European diversity 
5.      Cultures and traditions in the European countries  

The rest of the details about the conference (location, programme, 
paper instructions, etc.) can be found on the website of the 

If you need further information don't hesitate to contact us at the 

Yours sincerely,
Simona Capatan
Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 

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