Stimati colegi, 

Dorim sa va informam ca au inceput atelierele de lucru, in cadrul 
proiectului european DYACIT - Developing Young Adults' Creativity 
through Information Technologies – Dezvoltarea Creativitatii 
Tinerilor Adulti prin intermediul Tehnologiilor Informationale, 
coordonat de Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta. 
Proiectul este co-finantat de Comisia Europeana in cadrul programului 
Socrates-Minerva (Nr. de referinta 229629-CP-I-2006-I-RO-MINERVA-M). 

Atelierele de lucru au un caracter interdisciplinar si se adreseaza 
tinerilor adulti,  dezavantajati, care au absolvit 10 clase, cu 
varste cuprinse intre 16-20 de ani.
Scopul atelierelor este de a  ajuta acesti tineri sa-si dezvolte 
talentul si creativitatea, prin intermediul tehnologiilor 
informatice, fotografiei si limbii engleze, in stransa cooperare cu 
echipe similare din Italia si Bulgaria. O alta echipa este 
constituita din tineri bulgari si germani.
Comunicarea intre echipe se realizeaza prin intermediul unei 
platforme de comunicare, aflata la adresa:

Rezultatele muncii in echipa se vor materializa, in luna iunie 2007, 
cu 3 expozitii fotografice virtuale, cate una pentru fiecare din cele 
3 grupuri de lucru.

Cursurile se desfasoara cu sprijinul Fundatiei H si a SNSPA in sediul 
din Bd. Schitu Mangureanu Nr. 1, et. 6, in fiecare sambata, in cadrul 
a doua grupe de lucru. 

Expozitia va fi gazduita pe site-ul proiectului astfel incat publicul 
larg sa poata avea acces
la rezultatele muncii lor. Site-ul proiectului se afla la adresa:

Pentru-ca mai avem cateva locuri disponibile, intr-unul din grupurile 
de lucru, rugam tinerii care sunt interesati de aceste ateliere de 
lucru, sa ne contacteze la adresa: [EMAIL PROTECTED] si vor fi inscrisi 
in limita locurilor disponibile. 

Va multumim frumos pentru atentia dvs.

Cu stima,
Simona Capatan
Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta 

Dear colleagues, 

We would like to inform you that we have started the workshops within 
the European project DYACIT - Developing Young Adults' Creativity 
through Information Technologies coordinated by Romanian Society for 
Lifelong Learning. 
The project is co-financed by the European Commission within the 
Socrates-Minerva programme (ref. no. 229629-CP-I-2006-I-RO-MINERVA-M).

The workshops have an interdisciplinary character and are addressed 
to the young disadvantaged adults who have graduated 10 classes, aged 
between 16 and 20. 
The aim of the workshops is to help these young people develop their 
talent and creativity by means of information technologies, 
photography and English, in close cooperation with similar teams from 
Italy and Bulgaria. Another team is made of young Bulgarians and 
The communication between the teams is made through a communication 
platform that can be found at the address:

The results of the team work will materialized in June 2007 into 3 
virtual photo exhibitions, one for each of the 3 work groups. 

The workshops take place with the support with H Foundation and SNSPA 
in the headoffice from Bd. Schitu Mangureanu Nr. 1, et. 6, each 
Saturday, within 2 work groups. 

The exhibition will be hosted on the website of the project so that 
the large public can have access to the results of their work. The 
website of the project can be found at the address:

Thank you very much for your attention. 

Yours sincerely,
Simona Capatan
Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning 

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