[romania_eu_list] European Commission: Network of Legal Experts on the application of Community Law on Equality Between Women and Men

2005-03-09 Fir de Conversatie Cristina Vaileanu
Buna ziua! Va semnalez initiativa Comisiei Europene de realizare a unor rapoarte periodice privind aspecte juridice ale egalitatii de gen in statele membre ale UE plus statele candidate. In acest sens:   Comisia Europeana finanteaza pentru o perioada de 3 ani Reteaua expertilor

[romania_eu_list] European Commission

2005-01-29 Fir de Conversatie arbitraj
Following some misleading information published in the media about the position of the European Commission (EC) regarding the current structure of eight development regions of Romania, the EC Delegation would like to bring the following clarifications: â the European Commission considers t