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Free Academy isi doreste sa fie o platforma informationala, o alternativa informala/nonformala la sistemul educational romanesc (neperformant) fara pretentia de a fi pusa intr-un context oficial. Plusand pe o maniera neoliberala de predare ne dorim prin acest proiect sa urmarim beneficiile individuale si mai putin cele de grup. Fiecare individ are sansa la cultura/culturalizare si, in extenso, sansa la o alternativa ce-i poate determina cresterea valorica. Nu credem ca o diploma poate oferi un exemplu de competenta si, mai ales, de calitate a individului care o poseda si de aceea cursurile structurate in Free Academy nu ofera diplome si alte tipuri de hartii. Fiind adversarii "societatii acreditarilor" credem ca nu exista tangente remarcabile intre o diploma si competenta profesionala a unui individ. Ceea ce face diferenta intre sistemul formal propus de parghiile oficiale ale statului prin ministerul de resort si educatia informala, propusa de proiectul Free Academy, este faurirea a ceea ce apare in discursul despre educatie ca fiind "cetateanul activ" - acel tip de cetatean care participa la discursul social, care este agent al schimbarii, care propune termenii dezvoltarii, care are resursele atitudinale si competentele de a se implica. Daca este adevarat ca omul devine ceea ce este prin educatie atunci cursurile propuse in Free Academy trebuie sa insoteasca, sa modeleze si sa spiritualizeze fiinta facand-o apta sa participe si sa actioneze. Propunem ca subiect adecvat al proiectului nostru actiunea singura activitate care se petrece de-a dreptul intre oameni, fara mijlocirea obiectelor sau a materiei, corespunde conditiei umana a pluralitatii, faptului ca oamenii si nu Omul, traiesc pe pamant si populeaza lumea (H. Arendt). Propunem actiunea in spatiul informatiilor in detrimentul acumularii de informatii care, de cele mai multe ori, nu presupune cunoasterea. Cunoaşterea este unul din procesele definitorii, fundamentale ale spiritului uman. Procesul prim prin care constienta de realitate si de sine apare in subiect raportandu-l la sine si la lumea sa....O realitate in care poate actiona, experimenta, evalua si conclude asupra consecintelor. Starea procesanta a unui sistem informaţional cuplat cu un ambient realitate, care işi poate construi reprezentari modale si strategii predictive asupra dinamicii ambientului şi poate dezvolta acţiuni transformante, utilizante si evaluante in ambientul modelat. in aceasta perspectiva interactiva, cunoaşterea poate fi o relaţie perceptuala, gestuala, lingvistica sau mixta a sistemului cu realitatea. Realitatea poate fi definita ca spaţiu obiectual- interactiv, caracterizat prin alcatuire, corelare cauzala, proprietate si eveniment....Cunoaşterea de tip uman presupune intenţionalitate, rationalitate si evaluare. Intentionalitatea defineste predeterminarea actiunii in real prin constructia unui model de actiune in mintea subiectului, Rationalitatea defineste cautarea, identificarea, explicitarea cauzala si utilizarea tuturor formelor, proprietatilor si relatiilor intre proprietati, care permit subiectului sa realizeze o anume transformare de stare in realitate, sau sa explice cauzal o anume stare observata ori construita experimental. Valorizarea este consecinta evaluarii utilitatii rezultatelor dobandite printr-o anume cunoastere, printr-o actiune configuranta sau explicanta cauzal de modalitate. Calitatea cunoaşterii depinde de instrumentele conceptuale si experientiale utilizate pentru dobandirea şi folosirera ei. ...Fiecare domeniu al cunoasterii are obiecte proprii, reguli generative proprii si strategii evaluante si utilizante proprii, unele accesibile majoritatii altele extrem de tehnice formal, sau subtil realizante estetic...Cunoasterea culturala,opereaza cu variabile ambigue precum valori, atitudini, , emotii, contacte, cooperari si conflicte umane. Ultima etapa a ratiunii si rationalizarii fiind abstractizarea Free Academy doreste sortarea informatiilor pe principii subiective, elaborate de catre cei care se erijeaza in profesori. Ne delimitam clar prin modalitatea de predare precum si prin principiile ce ar trebui sa guverneze un bun exemplu de educatie de pozitia formala a profesorului, cea de magistro. Exludem indoctrinarea, imbecilizarea si proiectarea personalitatii magistrului catre discipolii sai, studentii, care preiau involuntar din incapacitatea profesorului de a se exprima si gandi liber. Nu suntem importiva sistemului insa nici nu- l sustinem.

Pentru a va incrie la cursurile FREE ACADEMY trimiteti un email ce va contine numele si prenumele, cursul/cursurile la care doriti sa participati si datele de contact (email, numar de telefon), la adresa silvia.vasile...@pavilionmagazine.org , sau sunati la numarul +4 031 103 4131. Va rugam sa retineti ca numarul de locuri este limitat.

Aici puteti download programul in format pdf.

Proiect intiat si realizat de Eugen Radescu. Project assistant: Silvia Vasilescu.



Free Academy wishes to be an informational platform, an informal alternative to the Romanian educational system (unsatisfying) without the intent of placing it in an official context. Focusing on a neo- liberal manner of teaching we would like, through this project, to attain individual benefits rather than group ones.

Each individual has the opportunity to culture/culturalization and, in extenso, an opportunity to an alternative that can determine the growth of his value. We don’t believe that a diploma can offer an example of competence and, especially, of individual quality and that is precisely why Free Academy doesn’t offer any diplomas and other types of papers.

Being the adversaries of the “accreditation society” we believe that there aren’t any remarkable similarities between a diploma and the professional competence of an individual. What makes the difference between the formal system proposed by the official state power network through the ministry and informal education, proposed by the Free Academy project, is the creation of what appears in the educational discourse as an “active citizen”- that type of citizen that participates in the social debate, that is an agent of change, that proposes the terms of development, that has the attitude resources and competences to get involved.

If it’s true that man becomes what he is through education, then the courses proposed by Free Academy must sustain, model and spiritualize the being in order to make it fit to participate and take action. We propose as adequate subject for our project, action, the only activity that unfolds unconditioned between people, without the mediation of objects or matter, that corresponds to the human condition of pluralism, the fact that people and not Man, live on Earth and populate the world (H. Arendt).

We propose action in the space of information to the detriment of accumulation of information that, most of the time, doesn’t involve knowledge. Knowledge is one of the defining processes, fundamental for the human spirit. The prime process through which reality consciousness and self-awareness appear in the subject relating one to the self and one’s world. A reality in which one can take action, experiment, evaluate and draw conclusions on the consequences. The processing state of an informational system connected to a reality ambient, that can build modal representations and predictive strategies on the ambient dynamics and can develop transforming actions, utilized and evaluated in the modeled ambient. Through this interactive perspective, knowledge can be a perceptual, gestural, linguistic or mixed relation to reality. Reality can be defined as an object-interactive space, defined by structure, causal correlation, property and event. Human knowledge entails intentionality, rationality and evaluation. Intentionality defines the predetermination of action in reality through the construction of an action model in the mind of the subject. Rationality defines the search, the identification, the causal expression and utilization of all forms, properties and relations between properties, that enable the subject to determine a certain transformation of state in reality or to causally explain a certain state experimentally observed or constructed. Valorization is a consequence of evaluating the utility of the obtained results through certain knowledge, through a configuring action or causally explaining modality. The quality of knowledge depends on the conceptual and experiential instruments utilized in gaining and using it. Each field of knowledge has its own objects, own generating rules and own evaluating and utilizing strategies, some accessible to the majority and others extremely formal from a technical point of view or realized aesthetically in a subtle way. Cultural knowledge operates with ambiguous variables such as values, attitudes, emotions, contacts, cooperations and human conflicts. The last step of reason and rationalization being abstraction, Free Academy wishes to sort out information on subjective grounds, elaborated by those that call themselves teachers. We differentiate ourselves clearly through the teaching method, as well as through the principles that should govern a good example of education, from the formal status of the teacher, that of magistro. We exclude indoctrination, idiotizing and projecting the personality of the magister onto his disciples, the students that involuntarily assume the incapacity of the teacher to think and express himself freely. We are neither against the system, nor we support it.

Here you can download pdf version of the program.

To book a place in the Free Academy courses, send an email that should contain your name and surname, the course/courses you wish to attend and your contact details (email, phone number) to silvia.vasile...@pavilionmagazine.org or call +4 031 103 4131. Please keep in mind that the number of available places is limited and most of the classes will be in Romanian.

Project founded by Eugen Radescu. Project assistant: Silvia Vasilescu.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
E: pavil...@pavilionmagazine.org

PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o întelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Pilsner Urquell

Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, 22, Alternativ.ro, Feeder.ro, 24Fun, Modernism.ro
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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