---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lucian Ionescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jan 30, 2007 4:52 PM
Subject: [Mediu] Life+ call for NGOs

Dragi colegi, va forwardez un anunt de interes pentru finantare. Lucian

Call for the submission of proposals from European NGOs primarily
active in the field of environmental protection under LIFE+
The European Commission's proposal regarding the programme LIFE+ (2007-2010) has
not yet been formally adopted by the EU legislature. Nonetheless, the Commission
has decided to publish this call for proposals now to enable prompt
implementation of this programme after the adoption of its legal basis by the EU
legislature, and to enable potential beneficiaries of Community grants to
prepare their proposals as soon as possible.

Under the terms of the LIFE+ Programme the Commission invites European
non-governmental organisations, which are primarily active in the field of
environmental protection, to present proposals with a view to obtaining a
financial contribution.

Financial assistance under this Call for Proposals may be provided for
activities, which involve contributing to the development and implementation of
Community environmental policy and legislation in different regions of Europe.
Proposals will be assessed on policy relevance and potential impact of
involvement in Community environmental policy-shaping and implementation, in
relation to the following priority areas:
. Climate Change
. Nature and Biodiversity
. Environment and Health
. Natural Resources and Waste
. Horizontal or cross-cutting issues
In addition to the areas mentioned above, environmental education, enlargement
and third countries will also remain of interest.

Information on the Application

The Grant application guide relating to this Call for Proposals which sets out
the eligibility, exclusion, selection and award criteria and the application,
assessment and approval procedure, can be downloaded from the Commission web
site at the following address:

It may alternatively be obtained by applying in writing to the following address
(preferably by fax): European Commission, Office: BU-5 00/134, B-1049 Brussels,
Fax (00) (32-2) 298 63 27

Deadline for submitting applications

Proposals must be submitted by 28 February 2007 at the l
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