---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Camelia Dogaru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 26, 2007 9:40 AM
Subject: [ro_ist] FW: Publicising the ongoing ERA Green Paper debate

Dear all,

As you will most likely be aware the European Commission recently
adopted a Green Paper, entitled 'The European Research Area: New
Perspectives'. The purpose of a Green Paper in general is to stimulate
debate and launch a process of consultation. The purpose of this Green
Paper in particular is to assess the progress made in establishing the
ERA and to discuss the future direction of the project. In line with
these objectives, the European Commission has published a
complementary, online public consultation addressing the questions
raised in the Green Paper. This consultation can be found at the
following website
http://ec.europa.eu/research/era/questionnaire_en.html . At this
moment the consultation is available only in English, but will be
published in French and German very shortly.

The structure of the consultation mirrors that of the Green Paper and
poses questions on each of the six main characteristics identified in
the Green Paper as requirements for an effective ERA: An adequate flow
of competent researchers; World-class research infrastructures;
Excellent research institutions; Effective knowledge sharing; Well
co-ordinated research programmes and priorities; and a wide opening of
the European Research Area to the world. It also poses general
questions on the overarching elements of ERA.

Like the Green Paper, what the consultation does not do is put primary
focus on innovation, nor on the need to increase business R&D. Work to
promote innovation and a much more developed and coordinated
demand-side policy will continue in the framework of the broad-based
innovation strategy launched in 2006 including in particular, the
"lead market" initiative. The Green Paper is nevertheless consistent
with and complementary to the broad-based innovation strategy, as
increased business R&D can only occur with the right framework
conditions: surveys suggest that when investing in R&D, business
considers the presence of adequate numbers of well-trained and mobile
researchers, responsive to the needs of industry and an excellent
public research base (research institutions and infrastructures) with
strong interactions with industry to be vitally important. All of
these are areas considered by the Green Paper and the accompanying

I would like to take the opportunity to encourage you to participate
in this debate by responding to this public consultation.

Guidelines on the completion of the consultation questionnaire can be
found at the website above.  Note that you can if you wish, download
Word or PDF versions of the consultation prior to completing the
online version. You may also provide additional comments via the email

With kind regards

Karsten Krause


Dr. Karsten Krause

European Commission

Directorate General for Research

Transport Directorate

H.1 Horizontal Aspects and Coordination


Address :

European Commission - CDMA 04/179

Champ de Mars 21, B-1050  Brussels

Phone.: + 32-2-29 52725


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