Cu doua zile in urma la Paris secretarul de stat american Hillary Clinton a
fost intervievat de corespondentul Vocii Americii, David Gollust.  In
interviu, Clinton a abordat situatia din Afganistan, Rusia, Ucraina,
Moldova, Burma si China.
Iata ce a declarat in legatura cu Moldova:
GOLLUST: One of the more moving events, I thought, at the State Department a
week ago, was your meeting with the prime minster of  Moldova. His comments
about how grateful he was to become an MCC [Millennium Challenge
Corporation] member and how proud he was about democratic reform. Is there
something that the United States and/or other allies do about the
territorial issue in Moldova that really has been an impediment to that
country's progress?

CLINTON: I discussed this at length with the prime minister.  Moldova is
struggling to consolidate democracy to improve its economy, it is eligible
for Millennium Challenge compact because it is still a poor country in need
of a lot of help.  Certainly the border disputes with Romania, the
continuance of Russian troops on Moldovan territory are matters of concern.
But we want to assist Moldova in improving the lives of its people and
hopefully over time the problems that it faces can be addressed.

For the complete transcript of VOA Interview with Secretary of State
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