Text repeated afterwards in English. 


Versiunea grafica a newsletterului poate fi accesata pe site-ul proiectului: 
http://www.srep.ro/basic-life/index.php?pg=newsletter . 

Al doilea meeting al proiectului european "BASIC-LIFE - Abilitati de baza in 
Web 2.0 prin invatarea in cadrul familiei" s-a desfasurat in perioada 13-14 
iulie 2009, in Lisabona, Portugalia, cu participarea a 9 reprezentanti din cele 
6 tari partenere: Romania, Germania, Marea Britanie, Letonia, Austria si 

Proiectul este finanþat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene, Programul Invatarea pe 
durata intregii vieti, actiunea Grundtvig (nr de referinta 

Proiectul si-a propus sa promoveze educatia in familie in randul familiilor 
dezavantajate oferindu-le metode de a-si imbunatati cunostintele si 
competentele in domeniul TIC  (Web 2.0).
Grupul tinta al proiectului include toate tipurile de familii: parinti singuri, 
familii cu copii mici, familii cu copii adolescenti sau de varsta adulta, 
familii in care mai multe generatii traiesc in comun, etc. 
 Partenerii au discutat stadiul actual al proiectului, precum si rezultatele 
obtinute in cele 9 luni de proiect.

Primul produs realizat de consortiu a fost:
Studiu asupra modelelor de bune practice existente la nivel european.
Pe baza materialelor realizate de parteneri, raportul este structurat astfel: 
Sectiunea 1: scurta descriere a modelelor ilustrative identificate de parteneri 
Sectiunea 2: O clasificare a tuturor exemplelor de bune practici in functie de 
tipologia lor. 
Studiul se afla pe site-ul proiectului la adresa:

Analiza situatiei familiilor dezavantajate in tarile europene partenere in 
Raportul a fost realizat in doua parti:
Profilul grupului tinta in tarile partenere si Analiza situatiei curente si a 
programelor de invatarea in cadrul familiei din tarile partenere.  
Prima parte cuprinde informatii legate de: aspecte generale si situatia 
familiilor dezavantajate in tarile partenere: ocuparea pe piata muncii si 
nivelul de studii, organizarea ingrijirii copilului, situatia financiara.
Studiul se afla pe site-ul proiectului la adresa:

3. Analiza nevoilor grupului tinta, la nivelul grupului ales de fiecare 
partener din proiect  
Pentru a realiza aceasta faza, in fiecare organizatie partenera a fost 
organizat cate un workshop cu familiile din grupul tinta. In total 92 de adulti 
si 84 de copii din Romania, Portugalia, Marea Britanie, Letonia si Germania au 
participat la workshopuri.
Liderul fazei a dezvoltat o metodologie si 2 chestionare (unul pentru copii si 
unul pentru adulti).
Metodologia include informatii despre modul de desfasurare a workshopurilor cu 
grupul tinta, a interviurilor, completarea  chestionarelor si colectarea 
datelor, etc.
In urma rezultatelor preliminare obtinute, preferintele adultilor si ale 
copiilor din tarile partenere sunt destul de variate incepand de la gatit, 
limbi straine, materii studiate la scoala, TIC, jocuri cu activitati reale, 
lecturarea de carti impreuna, etc.    
Ramane ca fiecare partener sa decida care este cea mai adecvata tema pentru 
grupul sau tinta, in functie de preocuparilr, nevoile si varstele 

4. Dezvoltarea a 5 modele educationale cu privire lanon-competentele parintilor 
in domeniul TIC (Web 2.0) in comparatie cu competentelor tinerilor
Pana la sfarsitul lunii decembrie 2009 cei 5 parteneri ai proiectului implicati 
in dezvoltarea modelelor de invatare in familie vor dezvolta propriile modele, 
urmand aceeasi structura de baza, pentru a permite evaluatorului intern si 
extern o comparabilitate si o evaluare adecvata.
Liderul fazei este responabil de realizarea structurii modelului care va fi 
gata pana la jumatatea lunii august 2009. 
In perioada ianuarie-aprile 2010 partenerii vor implementa "modelele de 
non-competente ale parintilor" cu ajutorul familiilor din grupul tinta. 

Urmatoarea intalnire a partenerilor va fi una virtuala.
Pe 25 Septembrie 2009 acestia se vor intalni pe Skype pentru a discuta primele 
schite ale modelelor concepute.

Incepand cu decembrie 2009 site-ul proiectului va fi disponibil in toate 
limbile parteneriatului: engleza, germana, portugheza, romana si lituaniana.

Adresa site-ului este:http://www.srep.ro/basic-life/.

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta 
Calea Calarasi 249, bl.65, sc A, ap.21, sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania
Telefon: +40/21/3273887
Fax: +40/21/3273887

Persoana de contact: 
Emilia Saulescu
E-mail: emi...@srep.ro


The graphical version of the newsletter can be accessed on the project website: 
http://www.srep.ro/basic-life/index.php?pg=newsletter . 

The second meeting of the European project "BASIC-LIFE - Basic Web 2.0 Skills 
by learning in family environment" took place on 13th and 14th July 2009 in 
Lisbon, Portugal. The meeting was attended by 9 representatives of 6 partner 
organizations: Romania, Germany, UK, Latvia, Austria and Portugal.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission, 
Lifelong Learning programme, Grundvtig action (ref. no. 

The project aims at promoting family learning among disadvantaged families by 
providing them with pathways to improve their knowledge and competences in ICT 
(Web 2.0).
The target group of the project includes all types of families: lone parents, 
families with young children, families with teenage or adult children, 
multi-generational families, etc. 
The partners discussed the current stage of the project, as well as the results 
obtained in the first 9 months of the project.
The first outcome developed by the consortium was:

1. Study of the good practices models existing at European level.
Based on good practice materials submitted by Consortium Partners, the report 
is structured as follows: 
Section 1: brief description of illustrative models of good practice identified 
by the partners.
Section 2: A project typology that presents categorization of all projects 

The study is available on the project website at the address:

2. Analysis of the situation of the disadvantaged families, in the European 
partner countries 
The research was structured into 2 parts:
Profile of the target group in the partner countries and Analysis of the 
situation and programmes of family learning in the partner countries.
The first part includes information on: the general aspects and situation of 
the disadvantaged families in the partner countries: employment situation and 
educational level, organisation of child care, financial situation.

The research is available on the project website at the address:

3. Analysis of target group's needs, at the level of the group chosen by each 
project partner
In order to carry out this phase, each partner organization has organized a 
workshop with families from the target group. In total 92 adults and 84 
children from Romania, Portugal, UK, Latvia and Germany participated to the 
The workpackage leader developed for this activity a methodology and 2 
questionnaires (one for children and one for adults).
The methodology included information on how to carry out the workshops with the 
target group, the interviews, filling in questionnaires, collecting data, etc.

According to the preliminary results, the preferences of the adults and 
children in the partner countries are quite diverse, starting from cooking,  
languages, school subjects, ICT, games with real activities, reading school 
books together, etc.    
It will now be the task of the partners to decide on the most appropriate theme 
for their target group, based on the hobbies, needs and age of the participants.

4. Development of 5 educational models of parental non-competence in ICT (Web 
2.0) compared to young person's competence
Until the end of December 2009 the 5 partners of the project involved in the 
development of the family learning models will design their own models starting 
from a similar structure in order to allow the internal and external evaluators 
to carry out appropriate comparison and evaluation. 
The workpackage leader is responsible for developing the structure of the 
models by mid August 2009. 
During January - April 2010 the partners will implement the "educational models 
of parental non-competence compared to young person's competence" with the help 
of the families from the target group. 

The next meeting of the partners will be a virtual one.
On 25th September 2009 they will meet on Skype in order to discuss the first 
drafts of the developed educational models. 

Starting with December 2009 the project website will be available in all the 
languages of the partnership: English, German, Portuguese, Rimanian and 

The address of the website is: http://www.srep.ro/basic-life/.

Romanian Society for Lifelong
Calea Calarasi 249, bl.65, sc A, ap.21, sector 3, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40/21/3273887
Fax: +40/21/3273887

Contact person: 
Emilia Saulescu
E-mail: emi...@srep.ro

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