Dragi parteneri,

Societatea Romana pentru Educatie Permanenta va informeaza ca pe data 
de 15 martie 2007 a inceput proiectul " Sunt tanar, ma implic, deci 
contez!", proiect co-finantat de Fondul Natiunilor Unite pentru 
Proiectul se desfasoara la nivel national, ca parteneriat intre SREP, 
Bucuresti si Universitatea "A. I. Cuza" Iasi – Centrul Regional 
pentru Educatia Adultilor si se va finaliza pe 31 decembrie 2008.
Grupul tinta al proiectului este alcatuit din: tinerii cu varste 
intre 16 si 29 de ani ce sunt marginalizati din diferite motive: 
saracie, dizabilitati, abandon scolar, violenta domestica, etc. 

Proiectul isi propune: sa contribuie la dezvoltarea democratiei 
participative informand si motivand tinerii din grupul tinta.
Obiective generale ale proiectului sunt: 
•       Facilitarea integrarii sociale si participarii active la 
viata politica a tinerilor adulti marginalizati, conform propriilor 
•       Elaborarea de curricule moderne care sa reprezinte baza 
pentru atelierele de lucru organizate cu grupul tinta; 
•       Dobandirea, structurarea si promovarea de bune practici 
eduationale la nivel local, national si international prin 
diseminarea Ghidului de Bune Practici. 

Rezultatele si produsele proiectului: analiza nevoilor la nivelul 
grupului tinta, 3 curicule pentru desfasurarea atelierelor de lucru, 
ateliere de lucru participative cu tinerii din grupul tinta, 
dezbatere publica realizata de tinerii care participa la ateliere, cu 
implicarea autoritatilor locale si reprezentantilor societatii civile 
din ambele orase, pe tema "Importanta procesului legislativ si a 
participarii active a tinerilor", concurs de eseuri pe tema "Sunt 
tanar, ma implic, deci contez!", CD cu lucrarile realizate de tineri 
in cadrul dezbaterii publice si a concursului de eseuri, din ambele 
orase, dezvoltarea ghidului de bune practici, Website al proiectului 
(cu forum de discutii), buletine informative, fluturasi, brosura 
pentru diseminare, seminar final de diseminare.

Pentru informatii suplimentare puteti accesa site-ul proiectului la 
adresa: http://srep.ro/undef
sau sa ne contactati la adresa: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Va multumim anticipat pentru atentia si interesul dvs. 

Toate cele bune, 
Emilia Saulescu 
Presedinte SREP

Dear partners,

Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning would like to inform you about 
the start of the project "I'm young, I get involved, therefore I 
count!" co-financed by the United Nations Democracy Fund. 
The project takes part at national level as partnership between SREP 
(Romanian Society for Lifelong Learning), Bucharest and the 
University "A. I. Cuza" Iasi – Adult Education Regional Centre and it 
will end on the 31st December 2008. 

The target group of the project is made of: young aged between 16 and 
29 years old who are marginalized from different reasons: poverty, 
disabilities, school drop out, domestic violence, etc. 

The project aims at: contributing to the development of the 
participatory democracy by informing and motivating the young of the 
target group.
The general objectives of the project are: 
•       Facilitating social integration and active participation to 
the political of young marginalized adults, according to their own 
•       Elaborating modern curricula that should represent the basis 
of the workshops with the target group; 
•       Acquiring, structuring and promoting educational good 
practices at local, national and European level, by disseminating the 
Good Practices Guide. 

Results and outputs of the project: needs analysis at the level of 
the target group, 3 Curricula for carrying out the workshops, 
Participative workshops with the young of the target group, Public 
debate of the young who will take part to the workshop with the 
participation of the local authorities and representatives of the 
civil society, on the theme „The importance of the legislative 
process and the active participation of the youth", from both cities, 
Contest of essays on the theme: „I am young, I get involved, 
therefore I count!", CD with the papers developed by the young within 
the public debate and the contest of essays, in both cities, 
development the guide of good practices, Website of the project (with 
discussion forum), newsletters, flyers, dissemination brochure, final 
disseminar seminar.

For more information you can access the website of the project at the 
address: http://srep.ro/undef
or you contact us at email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you in advance for your attention and interest. 

Kind regards,
Emilia Saulescu 
President SREP

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