US Ambassador to Bucharest says recent events raise doubts about fight
against corruption in Romania

US Ambassador to Bucharest Nicholas Taubman said at a meeting with Romania's
top anti-corruption prosecutor Daniel Morar on Monday that recent
developments in the country "had raised questions both in Washington and in
many European capitals about the current direction of Romania's
anti-corruption efforts".

A US Embassy press release says Ambassador Taubman expressed his
appreciation with National Anti-Corruption Department (DNA) chief Daniel
Morar's "leadership and the vital role played by" the DNA.

But he said that while Romania "had made significant progress in recent
years in tackling the problem of corruption, it was vital for Romania's
continued credibility with its leading partners that this forward momentum
be maintained".

Ambassador Taubman's comments come as Romania's new Justice minister Tudor
Chiuariu decided to dismiss a top DNA prosecutor and made a series of other
decisions that have sparked huge protests among the country's judges and
prosecutors over the past two weeks. <> , May 14, 2007
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