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Joi, 22 Octombrie 2009, 19.00

Forma si functia – doua concepte mereu la indemana cand judeci o cladire din punct de vedere conceptual. Felul cum e proiectata, felul cum e utilizata. Se mai adauga sfera publica si comportamentul uman intr-un cadru profesional delimitat. Se adauga si puterea ideologiei in diferite momente istorice, puterea de a impinge societatea intr-o anumita directie, chiar prin intermediul unui proiect arhitectural, sau cuvinte precum „control”, „ordine” si „joc”. Daca te asezi in fata imensei cladiri a Casei Presei Libere, ridicata la marginea centrului Bucurestiului, aceste instrumente conceptuale – si multe altele – pot fi folosite pentru explorarea identitatii sale, insa e putin probabil ca ele sa ofere vreo explicatie asupra semnificatiei ei esentiale. Prea multe se petrec in interiorul cladirii, prea multe s-au intamplat de cînd a fost construita.

„Fiecare cladire este perceputa ca o realitate concreta”, scrie arhitectul Thomas A. Markus. Mirosurile si zgomotele, scarile care duc intr-o parte sau alta, chipurile familiare si nefamiliare – totul reprezinta o experienta unica. Atunci cand cineva incepe sa eticheteze cladiri (cum e cazul cu „Casa Scanteii” sau „Casa Presei Libere”), inlocuieste o realitate complexa. Numele, comentariile, analizele, impreuna cu fotografiile si planurile, sunt texte ce nu reusesc sa reproduca realitatea bogata a cladirilor si „in primul rand experienta unica a existentei inauntrul unui spatiu, laolalta cu alti oameni”. Astfel, insusi numele acestei cladiri masive si greoaie, Casa Presei Libere, contine un grad de fragilitate inevitabila.

Un teritoriu atat de meticulos controlat de o singura tabara, asa cum a fost Casa Scanteii in anii comunismului, nu putea oferi prea mult spatiu de manifestare caracteristicilor individuale. Pe atunci repertoriul elementelor producatoare de semnificatie din cladire era, probabil, mai redus decat astazi, relevand o relatie mai stransa intre forma si functiune. Post-socialismul a pus la indoiala insusi conceptul de semnificatie, evidentiind mai ales neincrederea in unele mari naratiuni, laolalta cu un anumit grad de dezordine creatoare si cu alunecari de sens. S-au adaugat noi straturi.

Urban Larssen este doctorand si lector asistent in antropologie sociala la Universitatea din Stockholm. A fost reporter pentru mai multe ziare suedeze. In prezent lucreaza la o teza despre jurnalismul din Romania si conexiunile cu activismul global pentru libertatea de exprimare.

Prelegerea este parte a proiectului "Exploring the Return of Repression", curatoriat de Razvan Ion. Expozitia poate fi vizitata pina pe 22 noiembrie 2009, la PAVILION UNICREDIT.



Thursday, 22 October 2009, 19.00

Form and function, two concepts at hand when dealing conceptually with a building. How it is designed, how it is used. Add public sphere, and human behaviour within a delineated professional frame. Add the power of ideology at different points of time—power to move society in a certain direction, for instance by means of architectural design—or words such as control, order and play. Placed in front of the very large Casa Presei Libere building (the Free Press House) at the outskirts of downtown Bucharest, these conceptual tools and many more can be used in an exploration of its identity, yet hardly to produce any account as to its essential meaning. Too much is going on inside the building, too much has happened since it was built.

“Every building is experienced as a concrete reality,” writes architect Thomas A. Markus. Smells and sounds, doors leading here and there, familiar and unfamiliar faces—the entire experience is unique. When one starts putting labels on buildings (like “The House of the Spark” or “Free Press House”) one also substitutes for a complex reality. Names, comments, analysis, as well as photos and plans, are texts that fail to reproduce the rich reality of buildings, “above all the the unique experience of being within space together with other people”. A large and heavy building such as the Free Press House thus contain a degree of unavoidable fragility in its sheer name.

A space so meticulously controlled by one single part as that of Casa Scinteii during the communist era may have offered little room for individual particularities. The repertoire of meaning-making aspects of the building then was perhaps less wide-ranging than today, revealing a tighter relationship between form and function. With post- socialism entered a challenge to the very notion of meaning, especially incredulity to certain grand narratives, alongside some degree of creative disorder and slippages of meaning. New layers were added.

Urban Larssen is a PhD-candidate and assistant lecturer in social anthropology at Stockholm University, and a former reporter with Swedish local dailies. He is currently completing a thesis on journalism in Romania and its connections to global freedom of speech activism.

The lecture is part of "Exploring the Return of Repression" project, curated by Razvan Ion. The exhibition is on view until 22 November 2009, at PAVILION UNICREDIT.

center for contemporary art & culture

Sos. Nicolae Titulescu 1 (Piata Victoriei)
Bucharest  011131 Romania
T: + 4 031 103 4131
E: pavil...@pavilionmagazine.org

PAVILION UNICREDIT este un centru pentru arta si cultura contemporana, un spatiu independent work-in-progress, spatiu de productie si cercetare a vizualului, a discursivului si a performativului. Este un spatiu al gandirii critice care promoveaza o întelegere implicata socio-politic a artei si a institutiilor culturale.

PAVILION UNICREDIT is a center for contemporary art & culture, a work-in-progress independent space, a space for the production and research in the fields of audiovisual, discursive and performative. It is a space of the critical thinking, and it promotes an artistic perspective implying the social and political involvement of the art and of the cultural institutions.


This is a project by PAVILION - journal for politics and culture.

PAVILION, BUCHAREST BIENNALE and PAVILION UNICREDIT are projects devised and founded by Razvan Ion and Eugen Radescu

Supported by: UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Strategic partner: Pilsner Urquell

Media partners: Radio Romania Cultural, 22, Alternativ.ro, Feeder.ro, 24Fun, Modernism.ro
Production partner: UpDate Advertising
Printing partner: First Advertising Agency
Audio-visual partner: Sony

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