r5907 | ajc | 2007-12-31 00:37:16 -0500 (Mon, 31 Dec 2007) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/webcit/context_loop.c
M /trunk/webcit/ical_dezonify.c
M /trunk/webcit/roomops.c
* Cleaned up some misc comments
* Re-enable
As I'm not a developer, I'm afraid that I won't be much use in helping
with the algorithm...though, as such, I wasn't questioning the algorithm.
I was really just curious as to how the numbers were reached, as the
system load average was actually around 1.0x to 1.5x, and wanted t
What version of libical are you using, now? I seem to recall 0.30 being
the requirement for the next version (in fact, I'm pretty sure I had to
install it, last night, before compiling the SVN tree).
dothebart: please do a fresh checkout of webcit and try to build it. I
think there are still some missing #define's in there. After that, please
see whether you have the timezone bug too.
I'll eventually go in and start regressing both libical and webcit until
we figure out what happene
The thing is, IT USED TO WORK. Sometime in the last couple of updates it
broke again. I don't know whether Citadel, WebCit, or libical introduced
the problem.
If it's libical, I'm sorely tempted to throw away the entire tree and
just merge libical-eds, with the build scripts reworked to
r5906 | dothebart | 2007-12-30 09:18:06 -0500 (Sun, 30 Dec 2007) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/citadel/buildpackages
M /trunk/citadel/modules/dspam/serv_dspam.c
* disable dspam
* some package tweaks.
Isn't libcitadel going to be part of the full citadel distro? Rather,
will it be rolled into the citadel trunk?