Tue Sep 08 2020 09:00:50 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored Subject: Re: Citadel room sharing
Believe me, I get it. An exodus from the big sites is exactly what I want.
Facebook and Twitter are cancer on the Internet and must be eradicated. Recently I've begun thinking that the failure of our largest cities is the exact same thing happening in meatspace, and what we really want is to be able to work the same way we did in cities while living in small towns where you know your neighbors, and your community is people you meet at the barber shop and at church and in the bowling league. This is what we want online too, and Citadel will be uniquely positioned to ride that wave if and when it happens.

Absolutely agree, and was having a conversation with a guy at work about just this concept - that smaller communities have more freedom, and far fewer of the problems that big cities are starting to display. 

As it relates to Citadel Room sharing - or BBS room sharing in general - I've always found that it doesn't do much except give more "burner content," you can read to pass time. It creates an illusion of more activity than actually exists - and some people get involved with it - but for the most part... a BBS is a community itself. It tends to attract a group of like-minded people to the Sysop and/or Aides. They develop their own culture and norms. "Citadelphians," tend to think of all of us, what every Citadel community we are part of, as Citadephians - unique and with common understandings of our community. But the different regional Citadel communities have ALWAYS been pretty exclusively defined by that region. I'm part of Sacramento Citadelphia - and we're different than the other Citadel communities that developed around the US at the time. We're still all active with one another on Facebook - and honestly, I can't convince them to log back in to my own Citadel - it died with us a long time ago because we were all done with it. BUT... I do have a community of friends on Facebook who liked my Citadel for many of the same reasons I do, so I was building a NEW Citadel community - influenced by the old dead one I knew back in Sacramento - as far as unique room concepts like "Free Association" and various "Music Haven" rooms - that were traditional in the Sac network of Citadel BBSes in the 80s and 90s. 

So, I don't think I want to COMPETE with Uncensored. I want to make my OWN Citadel site that maybe focuses less on things like Microsoft bashing, programming, and technical deep dives - and focuses more on things like Retro gaming platforms, automobiles, music, philosophical debate, fantasy role playing... But like Uncensored, free of the SJW Lefty Censorship that mainstream *everything* is so corrupted by now. 

This is IG's kingdom, his interests dictate its flavor. I want my own kingdom, that reflect mine. I wouldn't MIND traffic from his user base, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind traffic from mine either, and that is fine. We'll have open borders. What we both want to avoid is the censorship of the groupthink of the major sites telling us what we can and can't express - trying to shame and silence us if we disagree with them. 

Social media, and that is what BBSes were, before it was called that - is a way to communicate and share ideas and mostly, burn dead time. It is more rewarding than sitting in front of the tube having their ideas piped into your head for 8 hours a day, more stimulating. Healthier. 

Or it was, until the same people responsible for doing that on television took control of social media. 

Citadel can help us take control back. 

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