I got this message in Firefox

   You are connected to a Citadel server running Citadel 930.00.
   In order to run this version of WebCit you must also have Citadel 931.00 or 

Process are:

   # ps -eaf|grep cit
   root 611   1  2 08:50 ? 00:00:00 ./citadel-1613953314-x64.appimage
   run -h /usr/local/citadel
   root 614 608  0 08:50 ? 00:00:00 citserver -x9 -h /usr/local/citadel
   root 615 608  0 08:50 ? 00:00:00 webcit -x9
   -h/tmp/.mount_citadeMsW4aS/usr/local/webcit -p 80 uds /usr/local/citadel
   root 616 608  1 08:50 ? 00:00:00 webcit -x9
   -h/tmp/.mount_citadeMsW4aS/usr/local/webcit -s -p 443 uds

I deleted the folder (/usr/local/citadel) and tried again, same effect.:

   ./citadel-1613953314-x64.appimage run -h /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: Welcome to the Citadel System, brought to you using AppImage.
   ctdlvisor: LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/lib
   ctdlvisor:            PATH = /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/bin
   ctdlvisor:          APPDIR = /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg
   ctdlvisor:  data directory = /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor:       HTTP port = 80
   ctdlvisor:      HTTPS port = 443
   ctdlvisor: waiting for any child process to exit...
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/local/webcit/webcit
   ctdlvisor: executing
   /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/local/citadel/citserver with data
   directory /usr/local/citadel
   ctdlvisor: executing /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/local/webcit/webcit

I guess it's not the right way to use "sendcommand", I tried it just to see what happens:

   # /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand --help
   /tmp/.mount_citadeGzpKyg/usr/local/citadel/sendcommand: error while
   loading shared libraries: libcitadel.so.4: cannot open shared object
   file: No such file or directory


On 2/21/21 5:39 PM, IGnatius T Foobar wrote:
Give 'em a try.

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