[Citadel Development] Re: [SCM] citadel.org branch, master, updated. 2b54d172dce8b1b30dc9cc616edfab531dfeb207

2010-12-30 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
I am a staunch supporter of the GPL. On the other hand, the rhetoric from RMS/FSF gets kind of tiring. I think ESR said it best in this editorial: http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=1999-06-28-023-10-NW-SM

[Citadel Development] Re: [SCM] citadel.org branch, master, updated. 2b54d172dce8b1b30dc9cc616edfab531dfeb207

2010-12-30 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
(Oops ... the canonical location of this essay is: http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/shut-up-and-show-them.html )