>  Wed Sep 29 2010 16:16:03 EDT from   dothebart @ Uncensored  Subject: Re:
>Setting up a build environment to work with the source release
>me personaly symlinks the static/ directory from the target directory
>(/usr/share/citadel-webcit/static on my debian) over.  
>note that if webcit isn't ran with -T it will cache templates, so add -T1
>while editing & testing templates.  
>Note that new files aren't recognized before restarting webcit in any case. 
>for compiling have a look at...  


Great, thanks! I had found most of those pages, but the key one (compiling
against Easy Install) never appeared on my radar because I thought Easy
Install is the last thing I'd use in this situation :)  I'm very happy that
it's mostly just a few LDFLAGS and a bunch of symlinks. I'll get hacking this

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