After a very short comparison of usability, I propose we give ckeditorcom a try (again?). dothebart mentioned we might have used that one before. This is a short list of "reasons" why I prefer ckeditor:

  1. It feels much faster. In tinymce, moving the cursor left or right with the keyboard feels like you are ssh'ing over a dial up line to the moon
  2. There is at least a proposed plugin upstream for the "break blockquote on enter" problem: Other communites, like Zope seem to have jumped the train. In tiny, this is neglected since 2006.
  3. Pasting in Iframes just works, since we do accept them anyway via RSS and IMAP, this doesn't make things any riskier than they are atm. (We have had a discussion about sanitizing 3rd party html and may have found a solution for that)
  4. License seems compatible:
  5. I like its look better!

They have a live demo on their site, feel free to fool around.

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