I'm curious about poking around the templating stuff and perhaps rip out some
wc_printf() bits into templates in WebCit (like dothebart suggested in
Citadel Support). Is there any preferred way of setting up a build
environment? I just set my PREFIX, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to put everything in
/usr/local/citadel-dev and recompile and reinstall webcit to that location
over and over again for now, but if there's a cheerful automated way, I'm
happy to follow that.  

I saw some BuildMaster configs in the git tree, but I'm not sure if that's
what we're supposed to use?  

My main motivation is just making a nice theme for my company, but if a side
effect is that more stuff moves into the templates, I'd be happy to help.
Though I'm a Ruby/ERb person, but I've done PHP for a few years and my first
language decades ago was C, so maybe I can wrap my head around it.  

Thanks :)

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