hm, it seems as if we have a bug with the unfolding of smtp lines.

for example if you send a large subject line with gmail, its like this:

Subject: bla bla bla\r\n

[one blank]blub blub

I've revalidatet, Thunderbird and the MS RFC-Violator show this as

bla bla blub blub

while we show it as: (and even worse, store it as..)

bla blablub blub

I always though that the folding indention wasn't meant to be part of the header content, it seems as if i'm wrong here.

Under which conditions should unfolding preserve whitespaces in front of folded lines while unfolding?

only if theres one blank?

all blanks which are there?


not to unfold the line and store the folded one would be the smartest solution imho.

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