The first piece of webOS is here
22.01.2012, 16:56, "Aleksey Bragin" <>:
> And almost noone really expressed any opinion about WebOS.
> As for me, I find it very fascinating, though I was more inclined towards Android before Alexandre explained me WebOS user interface architecture.
> Did WebOS finally open up the UI part of the source code? That's interesting, not their patched Linux kernel along with some nix-style libs.
> WBR,
> Aleksey.
> On 20.01.2012 1:57, WaxDragon wrote:> This thread has gone way off course, please stop.
>> On Jan 19, 2012 4:55 PM, "Jakob Eriksson" <> wrote:
>>> On January 19, 2012 at 9:15 PM Timo Kreuzer <> wrote:
>>>> Quote L. T.: "I don't think kernel development should be "easy". I do
>>>> not condone single-stepping through code to find the bug. I do not think
>>>> that extra visibility into the system is
>>>> necessarily a good thing."
>>>> /o\
>>>> MAAAN, I have rarely read so much BS in so few senteces. That guy must
>>>> be completely retarded. No wonder linux sucks so much...
>>> One or both you (L.T./T.K.) is trolling or being trolled...
>>> best regards,
>>> Jakob
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