Below is an exchange between William and myself re: trading partner data
attributes and the 838. Immediately below is a synopsis of the data elements
i've compiled sans the X12-838 mapping which turned out to not be of much
value anyway.
Dave Minch
T&CS Project Manager
John Muir / Mt. Diablo Health System
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 941-2240

Trading Partner Attributes:

Demographics: (One entry per trading partner)
        Trading Partner Entity Name
        Entity Address (street, city, state, zip, country)
        Mailbox Name
        Mailbox Folder
        Internal TP ID
        External TP ID
        Ship to (qualifier, description, code)
        Bill to (qualifier, description, code)

Personnel / Contact Info: <repeating>
        Name (first, last mi)
        Phone (ac, number, ext.)
        Email address

Interchange: <repeating based on transaction type>
        Interchange qualifier (type of transaction - e.g. 837)
        Implementation Convention reference / version (e.g. X12n/004010x098)
        ISA type
        GS Control
        Interchange identifier (denotes type of ID of the receiver - e.g.
        Interchange ID description
        interchange Id code
        Group id (qualifier id, description, code -- used for GS segment)
        Authorization requirement (qualifier id, description, code(s))
        Security requirement (qualifier id, description, code(s) - incl.
        Encryption requirement (qualifier id, description, code(s))
        Delimiter & termination characters (segment, element, sub-element,
        Data Encoding (escape) Character(s) <may not be applicable to X-12?>
        Destination of transaction (mailbox name, mailbox folder)
        Expect 997 (Y/N)
        Transprot Portocol (e.g. FTP, SMTP, HTTP) - see also communications
        Transport Security (Certificate #)
        Interchange Response Timing (expected time for response)

Communications: (Note - repeats twice, once for sending, and once for
        Login Initiation String
        User Name/ID (used at destination to log in)
        Password (used at destination to log in)
        Authentication  (used at destination to log in)
        Require SSL (Y/N)
        Encryption (Y/N, Method)
        Session Timeouts (transmit batch, receive batch)
        TP's Network Protocol (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, ...)

        Asynchronous Connection:
        Protocol: (connection protocol e.g. PPP, SLIP, Xmodem, Ymodem, etc.)
        Modem Settings:
               Speed (in bps, with Max/Use Only tag)
               data bits
               stop bits
               Tx timeout
               Rx timeout
               flow control (RTS/CTS or Xon/Xoff or None)
               error correction (Y/N)
               data compression (Y/N)
               modem initialization string (local to synch w/ remote)

        TCP/IP Protocol:
               SMTP/POP servers (for mail post)
               Primary DNS
               Secondary DNS
               DHCP? (Y/N)
               Client address if not DHCP
               IP Header compression

Database: (used for locating data at source - not really part of the TPA)
        TP Data Source Name
        TP Connection String (database initialization properties)
        System Log Data Source Name
        System Log Connection String (database initialization properties)

-----Original Message-----
From: William J. Kammerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 3:09 PM
To: Dave Minch
Subject: Re: Use of the 838 for electronic exchange of TPA data

Even if we can't fit the e-TPA requirements into the 838, your matrix
will prove invaluable for determining any enhancements necessary to the
ebXML CPP - or  figuring out what we need if we have to design an e-TPA
schema for WEDi/SNIP from scratch!  Whenever you want, why don't you
post  your matrix to the mailing list?  At least we have something
concrete here, and that should get a discussion flowing.   Actually, you
won't be able to post an Excel attachment because the listserve won't
let you.  But if you can convert the table to HTML, I believe you could
just include it as part of your message. - I know HTML messages appear
on other WEDi listserves, so you shouldn't be stopped posting it to

Thanks a lot, and hope to hear more from you!

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
+1 (614) 487-0320
+1 (614) 638-4384 (c)
+1 (928) 396-6310 (FAX)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Minch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'William J. Kammerer'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, 28 February, 2002 03:05 PM
Subject: Use of the 838 for electronic exchange of TPA data

The short answer is that, in my opinion, it won't fly without
significant revision. I haven't been able to get back to my "research"
project in the last week+ in trying to map my TP elements to the
X12-838, but thought I'd send along what I've got so far. Its an .xls
with the data elements needed that I've discovered through various
sources, and my attempt at a mapping at just the segment level.

First, I should say that the transaction appears to have been crafted
for a materials management application. The main fault with this
transaction is that it is functionally backwards from what I think we
need. The outer loop is the LX, which is where I'd logically place the
transaction type(s) (LIN segment). All high-level data for the TP would
then go in a loop below the LX, which means that it would have to be

Protocol level data would go in the ENE loop, which is pretty-much free
form at this point, and would need a lot of definition vis-a-vis what is
in the ebXML CPP (which I just looked at this morning). The
interchange-level data would logically go in the N1 loop below the ENE,
but the communications-level data (modem settings and the like) should
be in a loop within the N1 loop, but there isn't one (unless you simply
used the TPD, which, again, would have to be re-defined.

Unless someone else has a better understanding of the 838, and I will
readily admit mine is minimal, I just don't see fitting this data into
it. It also sounds, from the material circulated over the last week or
so, that the ebXML CPP is the current method of choice, so I'm going to
look more carefully at that next.

 <<Trading Partner Attributes.xls>>

Dave Minch
T&CS Project Manager
John Muir / Mt. Diablo Health System
Walnut Creek, CA
(925) 941-2240

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