RPM Package Manager, CVS Repository

  Server: rpm5.org                         Name:   Pinto Elia
  Root:   /v/rpm/cvs                       Email:  devzero2...@rpm5.org
  Module: rpm                              Date:   25-Sep-2009 18:54:40
  Branch: HEAD                             Handle: 2009092516543900

  Added files:
    rpm/tests               rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh

    add rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh

    Revision    Changes     Path
    1.1         +281 -0     rpm/tests/rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh

  patch -p0 <<'@@ .'
  Index: rpm/tests/rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh
  $ cvs diff -u -r0 -r1.1 rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh
  --- /dev/null 2009-09-25 18:54:39 +0200
  +++ rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh       2009-09-25 18:54:40 +0200
  @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
  +#  Generate an rpm spec file for testing looping issue
  +#  rpm-genenerate-loop-test-harness.sh  -s <namespec> -m <max direct 
Requires clauses> -p <number of packages>
  +#  Copyright (C) 2006 Elia Pinto (devzero2...@rpm5.org)
  +#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  +#  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published 
  +#  The Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
  +#  (at your option) any later version.
  +#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  +#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  +#  GNU General Public License for more details.
  +# OK: it is really a toy script, written in JAPH style
  +# to generate pathological rpm loop dependencies
  +# Useful (?) function
  +Die() {
  + echo "$_PROGNAME: ERROR: $@" >&2
  + exit 1
  +Info() {
  + echo "$_PROGNAME: INFO: $@" >&2
  +Warn() {
  + echo "$_PROGNAME: WARNING: $@" >&2
  +Usage() {
  + echo "Usage: $_PROGNAME -s <filespec> -m <max direct Requires clauses> -p 
<number of packages>" >&2
  + exit 1
  +# Argument Check
  +readonly _PROGNAME=${0##*/}
  +while getopts "m:s:p:" opt; do
  +     case "$opt" in
  +     m)      if [ -z "$_MAX_REQUIRES" ]
  +                then   _MAX_REQUIRES=$OPTARG
  +                else
  +                     Usage
  +                fi;;
  +     s)      if [ -z "$_SPEC_FILE_NAME" ]
  +                then  readonly _SPEC_FILE_NAME=$OPTARG
  +                else
  +                     Usage
  +                fi;;
  +     p)      if [ -z "$_COUNTPKG" ]
  +                then  readonly _COUNTPKG=$OPTARG
  +                else
  +                     Usage
  +                fi;;
  +     *)      Usage;;
  +        \?)     Usage;;
  +     esac
  +[ -z "${_MAX_REQUIRES}" -o -z "$_SPEC_FILE_NAME" -o -z "$_COUNTPKG" ] && 
  +readonly _PKGNAME=${_SPEC_FILE_NAME%%\.*}
  +readonly _SPECFILE=${_PKGNAME}.spec
  +[ -e ${_SPECFILE} ] && Die "${_SPECFILE} exists. Remove it first"
  +# Hardcoded
  +readonly _VERSION=1.0
  +readonly _RELEASE=1
  +if [ ${_MAX_REQUIRES} -gt ${_COUNTPKG} ]
  +#readonly _MAX_REQUIRES
  +cat <<EOF> $_SPECFILE
  +# Created by ${_PROGNAME}
  +# with 
  +# - max direct Requires: ${_MAX_REQUIRES}
  +# - Number of Packages : ${_COUNTPKG}
  +Summary: Loop Ordering Test Harness
  +Name: ${_PKGNAME}
  +BuildArch: noarch
  +Version: ${_VERSION}
  +Release: ${_RELEASE}
  +License: LGPLv3
  +Group: Applications/System 
  +Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-tmp
  +URL: http://rpm5.org
  +A toy loop rpm test harness. 
  +This package(s) generate pathological rpm loop dependencies
  +For an example see rhbz#437041
  +while [ $_c -le $_COUNTPKG ]
  +cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +%package $_c
  +Summary: $_PKGNAME-$_c
  +Group: Applications/Security
  +BuildArch: noarch
  +while [ "$count" -le ${_MAX_REQUIRES} ]      
  +  number=$RANDOM
  +  number_in_range=$RANDOM
  +  range=10
  +  let "count += 1"  # Increment count.
  +  let "number_in_range %= range"  # Scales $number down within range.
  +  let "number %= $_COUNTPKG"      # Scales $number down within $_COUNTPKG.
  +  let "number += 1"               # Increment number.
  +  [ $number -lt 1 ] &&  continue
  +  [ $number -eq $oldnumber ] && continue
  +  #### XXX
  +  #### prec 
  +  let "prec = count - 1"  
  +  let "succ = count + 1"  
  +  if [ $prec -gt 1 -a $prec -ne $number -a $prec -lt ${_COUNTPKG} ] 
  +  then
  +  [ $prec -ne ${_c} ] && 
  +    cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: ${_PKGNAME}-${prec}
  +  [ $number_in_range = 0 -a $succ -lt ${_COUNTPKG} -a $succ -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires(pre): ${_PKGNAME}-${succ}
  +  [ $number_in_range = 1 -a $succ -lt ${_COUNTPKG} -a $succ -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires(post): ${_PKGNAME}-${succ}
  +  [ $number_in_range = 2 -a $succ -lt ${_COUNTPKG} -a $number -ne ${_c} ] && 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires(postun): ${_PKGNAME}-${number}
  +  [ $number_in_range = 3  -a $prec -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: /tmp/${_PKGNAME}-${prec}
  +  [ $number_in_range = 4  -a $prec -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: /tmp/${_PKGNAME}-${prec}_ln
  +  [ $number_in_range = 5  -a $prec -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: /tmp/${_PKGNAME}-${prec}_dir
  +  fi
  +  if [ $succ -gt 1 -a $succ -ne $number -a $succ -lt ${_COUNTPKG} ] 
  +  then
  +  [ $succ -ne ${_c} ] && cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: ${_PKGNAME}-${succ}
  +   [ $number_in_range = 4 -o $number_in_range = 8 -a $number -ne ${_c} ]  && 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: ${_PKGNAME}-${number}
  +   [ $number_in_range = 1 -o $number_in_range = 7 -a $prec -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires(post): ${_PKGNAME}-${prec}
  +   [ $number_in_range = 2 -o $number_in_range = 9 -a $succ -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires(postun): ${_PKGNAME}-${succ}
  +   [ $number_in_range = 3  -a $succ -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: /tmp/${_PKGNAME}-${succ}
  +   [ $number_in_range = 5  -a $succ -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: /tmp/${_PKGNAME}-${succ}_ln
  +   [ $number_in_range = 6  -a $succ -ne ${_c} ] && { 
  +  cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +Requires: /tmp/${_PKGNAME}-${succ}_dir
  +  fi
  +cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +%description ${_c}
  +cat <<"EOF" >> $_SPECFILE
  +%setup -q -c -T
  +cat <<E >README
  +rm -rf %{buildroot}
  +mkdir -p %{buildroot}/tmp
  +cd %{buildroot}/tmp
  +while [ $_c -le $_COUNTPKG ]
  +cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +echo "${_PKGNAME}-${_c}" > ${_PKGNAME}-${_c}
  +mkdir ${_PKGNAME}-${_c}_dir
  +ln -s  ${_PKGNAME}-${_c} ${_PKGNAME}-${_c}_ln
  +cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +rm -rf %{buildroot}
  +while [ $_c -le $_COUNTPKG ]
  +cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +%files $_c
  +%defattr (-,root,root)
  +%doc README
  +_d=$(LANG=C date +"%a %b %d %Y")
  +cat <<EOF >> $_SPECFILE
  +* $_d - Elia Pinto <devzero2...@rpm5.org> - $_VERSION-$_RELEASE
  +- First Build
  +Info "Wrote ${_SPECFILE}"
  @@ .
RPM Package Manager                                    http://rpm5.org
CVS Sources Repository                                rpm-cvs@rpm5.org

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