Found out about this new feature. How does one go about constructing such
`BuildSystem`, do they just define a `%buildsystem__conf` macros?
I am considering the case of [MPI
packaging]( and it would be a
neat approach to `for` looping all mpi var
Opening a discussion related to [this copr
I've had a build on me take 5h with multiple timeouts when run with 2 CPU cores
due to MPI + OpenMP oversubscription. While typically it only costs 1h on 4
But when we use the formatting macro, we have the original git tag info, so we
can reuse it later. For the reverse, if we can extract the macro info, e.g.
from `%{version}` we could have `%{version_base}` and `%{version_prerel}` and
we can construct the git tag accordingly e.g.
This is a reference from fedora packaging committee
> I would like to propose a few helper macros for dealing with version control:
> - Format git tag -> rpm version: e.g. 1.2.3-rc1/1.2.3rc -> 1.2.3~rc1. This
> could be detected from [py