On 9/2/15 6:25 AM, Florian Festi wrote:
> Time to get 4.13.0 out. Here is the first release candidate.
> There have been quite a few changes since the alpha. The most notable are:
>  * Added support for file signatures in security.ima xattr
>  * Finalized syntax for rich dependencies
>  * Enable {} expansion in rpmGlob()/%files and enhanced glob handling
> But there are also smaller changes and fixes:
>  * Fix compressed patches
>  * Don't warn when an escaped macro is in comment.
>  * Add --filetriggers query option
>  * Fix for Py3 compatibility
>  * Do not bytecompile python scripts in docdir
>  * Improvements to find-lang.sh and perl dependency generator
>  * Use default value (currently 7) for XZ compression
>    if not value is given
> For download information and further details, see the draft release
> notes: 
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v1/url?u=http://rpm.org/wiki/Releases/4.13.0&k=ZVNjlDMF0FElm4dQtryO4A%3D%3D%0A&r=TZrHg467WyBv7iaZq29rJA%3D%3D%0A&m=eE4HNWs9bCxNIchz5Dr1Lq3W%2BCXcQXtlon62pI6JiC8%3D%0A&s=ed4f6dfec91bdf96d8a7f2c366edf2e97792b757cf023a734ff5d19e27b14817

    Do you want to mention in the release notes that now you can run yum/rpm
inside a ionice/nice wrapper and the restarted services won't be affected by it
(PR#1)?  I haven't seen it there.


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