Hello everybody.
Perhaps someone out there can enlight me... :)

I am collecting some statistics from several cluster nodes
and store them in a rrd-database.

Each database holds 216000 samples of 5 min (don't ask ...
I really need this amount of data for such a long timespan ...).

To generate some reports I tried to call rrdxport with a step size
of 3600 sec. Running:

rrdtool xport --start=-1year --end now --step 3600 
DEF:node01=node01/load.rrd:load1:AVERAGE XPORT:node01:loadonnode01

But I get the expcted XML output with a step of 78900 seconds although the 
is capable of handling this stepsize.

Does anybody know how I get the desired step size of 3600 seconds via

Many thanks in advance ... 


P.S.: Is there a reason that there is no RRDs::xport() in the perl module ?

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Maus             science+computing ag
System Administration               Hagellocher Weg 71-75
mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   72070 Tuebingen, Germany
tel.: +49 7071 9457 456             www.science-computing.de

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