I can do this with no problem on the command line:

  rrdtool fetch file.rrd AVERAGE -s -2678400s -e -86400s

However, when I try to do the same in perl using RRDs I get an error.
The code snippet is:

   my $rrdfetchstring = "-s -$starttime" . "s -e -$endtime" . "s";
   print "$rrdfetchstring\n";
   my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch ("file.rrd",
     "AVERAGE","-s -2678400s -e -86400s");
   die "ERROR with RRDs::fetch: $ERR\n" if $ERR;

and the result is:

   ERROR with RRDs::fetch: start time: There should be number after '-'

RRDs and rrdtool version is 1.0.28.

Am I missing someting very obvious in my perl scripting?


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