On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 09:30:51AM -0400, Tuc wrote:

>       I recently needed to take a look at a program someone wrote here
> a few years ago. I don't know RRDs enough to understand whats happening.
> The data is collected by MRTG every 5 minutes. The program then does
> a RRDs::fetch of "MAX" for the timeframe needed. It pushes the results
> into a Statistics::Descriptive::Full . It then takes the 95th% of it.
> It does the same thing again, but this time does an RRDs::fetch of the
> "AVERAGE", pushes the results and takes the 95th. Then it does :
>       for the results.
>       Does anyone have a clue why? Shouldn't this just be the 95th of
> the MAX?

You should probably look at the documentation of this program,
or ask the programmer/coder.  Obviously the programmer did something
on purpose, perhaps you didn't figure out what exactly, or why.

>          I guess I also still don't understand what the MAX is. I thought
> a sample was a sample and thats the end of that. How do you get the
> average sample, or the max sample?

Consider the following samples and times:

00:00 to 00:05   rate 60000 max 60000
00:05 to 00:10   rate 0 max 0
00:10 to 00:15   rate 0 max 0
00:15 to 00:20   rate 0 max 0
00:20 to 00:25   rate 0 max 0
00:25 to 00:30   rate 30000 max 30000

The average here is (5 minutes at 60,000 bytes per second + 5 minutes
at 30,000 bytes per second, rest zero) in (30 minutes * 60 seconds) =
(300*60,000+300*30,000 bytes)/(30*60 seconds) = 27000000B / 1800s = 
15,000 bytes per second.

00:00 to 00:30   rate 15000 max 60000

The average, seen over 30 minutes, differs from all 6 averages used
to calculate this average. The maximum seen in this 30 minute period
is still 60,000 when computed from these samples.

avg_large = avg(all averages)
max_large = max(all maxima)

When intervals are consolidated, the difference between average and
maximum usually gets bigger.  Perhaps the programmer compensated for
this using a formula where averages and maxima are both counting, in
a 2:1 ratio.  It somewhat smoothens the resulting graph, just as the
95th percentile does.

About averaging averages:

At 300 seconds per interval:
  00:05   rate 60000, 300 seconds, amount = 18000000
  00:10   rate 0, 300 seconds, amount = 0
  00:15   rate 0, 300 seconds, amount = 0
  00:20   rate 0, 300 seconds, amount = 0
  00:25   rate 0, 300 seconds, amount = 0
  00:30   rate 30000, 300 seconds, amount = 9000000

  Total: 27000000 bytes
  Max seen: 60,000 per second

At 1800 seconds per interval (computed from above)
  00:30   rate 15000, 1800 seconds, amount = 27000000

  Total: 27000000 bytes
  Max seen: 60,000 per second (and not 15,000)

Average rate multiplied by time is the amount of bytes sent.
This is 27000000 in both examples.  You can't do this with maxima.


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