On Thu, Oct 24, 2002 at 02:43:04PM +0300, Paul Klinaftakis wrote:

> --step 3600 DS:channels:GAUGE:3900:0:10000 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:8760
> RRA:MAX:0.5:1:8760
> What I want to keep inside the RRD is an integer value between 0 and 10000
> every hour of the day for 365 days.
> Since I am updating the database every hour, I chose the step as 3600 sec =
> 1 hour. Since I am storing some constant value, I use GAUGE. In conclusion,
> I want to have data for each hour of the day for a whole year, so 365 * 24 =
> 8760 samples. I also want to monitor the max, therefore I keep a separate
> RRA.

seems fine

> I guess I have the correct definition. However, although the daily, weekly
> and monthly graphs are generated fine, the yearly graph gets stuck EVERY
> time. I checked the data manually (dump) and everything seems fine ...

define "gets stuck".  Are you talking about a never-ending loop ?

What version are you using?  Tried another version?

> In general, is there any possibility the rrdtool graph utility to get stuck
> and if so, in what circumstances?

In theory there shouldn't be a problem.  In practice however there
is *always* a chance of a bug.

Try different durations.  Try different end times.  Try at different

Perform your "rrdtool graph " command with the following parameters:

"--end now --start end-360d"
"--end now --start end-365d"
"--end now --start end-370d"
"--end '20021024 14:00' --start end-360d"
"--end '20021024 14:00' --start end-365d"
"--end '20021024 14:00' --start end-370d"
"--end '20021024 15:00' --start end-360d"
"--end '20021024 15:00' --start end-365d"
"--end '20021024 15:00' --start end-370d"

just before the whole hour, at the whole hour and just after the
whole hour.  Any differences?

The time (both 14:00 and 15:00) should be adjusted so to match
your local time, the previous whole hour and the next whole hour.


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