
yesterday i updated to 1.2.16 (last version was 1.2.15) - 
following script doesn't work with the new version:


. /data/rrd/etc/graph.conf


echo "Content-Type: image/png";
echo "";

# time
starttime $1

# graph
$RRDTOOL graph - \
-t "Temp" -v "°C" \
--start="$TIME" \
--end="now" \
--height="$HEIGHT" \
--width="$WIDTH" \
-c "$BACK" \
-c "$SHADEA" \
-c "$SHADEB" \
-c "$FONT" \
-c "$CANVAS" \
-c "$GRID" \
-c "$MGRID" \
-c "$FRAME" \
-c "$ARROW" \
"DEF:sda=$RRDDIR/hddtemp-8-0.rrd:value:AVERAGE" \
"DEF:sdb=$RRDDIR/hddtemp-8-16.rrd:value:AVERAGE" \
"LINE1:sda#800000:sda" \
"GPRINT:sda:LAST:Last\: %2.0lf °C" \
"GPRINT:sda:MAX:  Max\: %2.0lf °C" \
"GPRINT:sda:MIN:  Min\: %2.0lf °C" \
"GPRINT:sda:AVERAGE: Avg\: %2.0lf °C\n" \
"LINE1:sdb#00FF00:sdb" \
"GPRINT:sdb:LAST:Last\: %2.0lf °C" \
"GPRINT:sdb:MAX:  Max\: %2.0lf °C" \
"GPRINT:sdb:MIN:  Min\: %2.0lf °C" \
"GPRINT:sdb:AVERAGE: Avg\: %2.0lf °C"

the error is:

Content-Type: image/png

ERROR: Unknown control code at the end of '     Avg: 24 °C\n'

any ideas why my script doesn't work with 1.2.16 - it worked with 1.2.15
i have a couple of scripts that doesn't work with the new version

thanks for any suggestions


x Alexander Krogloth / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / http://www.krogloth.de  x

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