On 31 August 2011 23:06, John Feminella wrote:
> We have about 2,000 specs in a Rails app that take roughly 80 seconds
> to run, and I'm trying to improve the performance of things a bit.
> While the profile mode has proven useful so far, it only shows the top
> ten slowest specs. Unfortunately,
On 01/09/2011, at 8:06 AM, John Feminella wrote:
> We have about 2,000 specs in a Rails app that take roughly 80 seconds
> to run, and I'm trying to improve the performance of things a bit.
> While the profile mode has proven useful so far, it only shows the top
> ten slo
We have about 2,000 specs in a Rails app that take roughly 80 seconds
to run, and I'm trying to improve the performance of things a bit.
While the profile mode has proven useful so far, it only shows the top
ten slowest specs. Unfortunately, we have lot of specs, and we've
picked off all the low-h
On 08/31/2011 07:09 AM, Ash Moran wrote:
> >From just a quick skim over, these two examples look contradictory:
> it "should throw an error if asked to display a menu that does not exist"
> @menu.display_menu(@messenger).should == "#{@menu.txtfile} does not
> exist!"
> end
> #Here
On 31 Aug 2011, at 09:22, GB Hoyt wrote:
> I'm not doing something right with the following spec and code:
> https://gist.github.com/1183066
> My problem lies in the last Spec:
> it "should load the contents of the text file into the action list" do
> @menu.action_list.empty?.should == fals
I'm not doing something right with the following spec and code:
My problem lies in the last Spec:
it "should load the contents of the text file into the action list" do
@menu.action_list.empty?.should == false
end My currently pain ra