Thanks, I'll try that. I just have the feeling ActiveRecord caches are being
a pain in the ass. For example, the toggle_resource method removes or adds a
resource to a group, and when just after that I check the resources on that
group, I still get the same ones before the toggle_resource method was
called. I had to change "self.resources" to "self.resources.all" in order to
force Activerecord to update the cache.

Is there any way I can test this weird behavior? I would love if I could
understand better the way ARel works.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 2:25 AM, Justin Ko <> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Daniel Salmeron Amselem <
>> wrote:
>> I'm trying to test this with Ruby 1.9.2, RSpec 2.5.0, and Rails 3.0.4:
>>   context "toggle_resource method" do
>>     it "should remove the resource from the group" do
>>       group = Factory(:unique_group)
>>       user = Factory(:unique_user, :account => group.account)
>>       group.add_resource(user)
>>       group.reload
>>       group.should have(1).users
>>       group.toggle_resource(user)
>>       group.reload
>>       group.should have(0).users
>>     end
>>   end
>> and I had to add 'group.reload' in order to make this thing work. I would
>> appreciate if anyone could explain to me why do I need to do it, and why I
>> can't see a message that it's in the model, something like the following:
>>   def add_resource(resource)
>>     p "HEY"
>>     GroupResource.create(:resource => resource, :group => self)
>>   end
>> The message "HEY" doesn't appear in the console after running 'rspec
>> spec/models/group_spec.rb'. Thanks in advance.
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> You have to call "reload" to clear activerecord caches. Destroying an
> associated record does not affect the cache.
> One way you could write your spec is like this:
> expect { group.add_resource(user) }.to change(group, :users).by(1)
> expect { group.toggle_resource(user) }.to change(group, :users).by(-1)
> Let us know if that works for you. Thanks.
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