I have the code working for this but I wanted an opinion on making a patch.

I sometimes have the need to expect that a method will yield a block it's
given. Usually this means something like this:

    yielded = false
    subject.method { yielded = true }
    yielded.should == true

which is a bit tedious and ugly. My solution might be just as ugly, but I
wanted to get feedback because it saves that tedious code.


I wrote a few methods, that when called, return an object with #to_proc that
expects that the proc is called (or not called). I have the following forms
available fairly simply:


    # Expects 3 yields, one with each argument

I think this is a little cleaner and the code is very simple. I wanted to
get an opinion on whether this is worth making into a patch.

Martin Emde
Tw: @martinemde
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