> I'm  using rsync to update my local database snapshot from a remote pooled
> mirror server. The trouble is that the servers in the pool are sometimes
> out of date, so I only want to update when the files are newer than the
> local copies to avoid unnecessary I/O..
> ...

I've found a workaround by using hard links.  Instead of:
        cp -r <current> <new>
        rsync --update, <mirror> <new>
        mv <new> <current>
I now:
        mkdir <new>
        ln -f <current>/* <new>
        rsync --update, <mirror> <new>
        if [ <new>.<stuff> -nt <current>.<stuff> ]
        then mv <current> <old> ; mv <new> <current>
        else rm -r <new>
Since the files in <new> are the same as in <current>, --update does its job 
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