Dear Wayne.

Thank you very much for your extensive comments on the our patch. I will
try and take them into account and mend our patch accordingly.
Unfortunately, I can only do this during my leisure time which is already
very limited so it might take some time.
But it would be very nice if this feature could make it into the reference
version. We consider it as very useful if not necessary for back-ups of
systems where the access to files by employees is monitored. That's
especially relevant if the usage of a database should be assessed. We also
thought of extending the changes such that rsync would also transfer
atimes if the modification times are the same but we dropped that for the
moment since the hardlink-feature allows this already.
I have received an email from Emile LeBlanc who supports the development
of these features very much. The initiative for our changes came from a
company with daily back-ups of their database. Maybe, this feature may be
useful to other people too.
Maybe, we could merge the two patches to create a nice new feature.
That would be great.
Thank you very much,


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