Hello, rsync list folks,

Recently, rsyncs abort during busier times of the day, although they
run error-free during non-busy hours.

Problem 1 - Many rsyncs abort these errors:
        Read from remote host www.xxx.yyy.zzz: Connection reset by peer
        rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes [sender]: Broken pipe 
        rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (3929920 bytes received so far) 
        rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(463) [sender=2.6.8]
        rsync: read errors mapping "/home/someuser/.mail": No data available 

The only solution I've seen to the above errors was to upgrade to
rsync 2.6.8, but that's the version we're running, and, this
configuration ran flawlessly for several years, without any changes to
the servers.  These abort problems started in the recent past.

Problem 2 - With the logging level turned up with the "-vvv" flag, I
notice some filenames are repeated in the output, sometimes for
several minutes.  The files are not that large, perhaps 500k max.
What would cause this?  The source and target machines are connected
by a high speed link, most files are copied in a few seconds.

The example below was created by tailing the last three lines of a log
file in a 5 second delay loop, to watch for "stuck" file transfers.

        Wed Feb 29 11:28:32 MST 2012
        received 352427 names
        Wed Feb 29 11:28:37 MST 2012
        received 352427 names
        Wed Feb 29 11:28:42 MST 2012
        received 352427 names
        Wed Feb 29 11:28:47 MST 2012
        received 352427 names
        Wed Feb 29 11:28:52 MST 2012
        received 352427 names
        Wed Feb 29 11:28:57 MST 2012
        received 352427 names

Any suggestions appreciated.


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