Hello dragy,


Monday, February 16, 2009, 1:54:36 PM, you wrote:

dr...@wp.pl> Hi,

dr...@wp.pl>  Rsync 3.0.5 on both sides. receiver is Open Solaris and sender is 

dr...@wp.pl> I got a nested directory - relatively depth but still it should 
work. It
dr...@wp.pl> fails instead.

dr...@wp.pl> sending daemon args: --server --sender -vvlWHogDtpre.is 
dr...@wp.pl> --numeric-ids --inplace . TEST/
dr...@wp.pl> receiving incremental file list
dr...@wp.pl> delta-transmission disabled for local transfer or --whole-file

dr...@wp.pl> [...]

dr...@wp.pl> overflow: xflags=0x7a l1=255 l2=779
dr...@wp.pl> lastname=XXXX/ZZZZZ/c/OOOOOOO/www/sigs

dr...@wp.pl> [receiver]
dr...@wp.pl> ERROR: buffer overflow in recv_file_entry [receiver]
dr...@wp.pl> rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at
dr...@wp.pl> util.c(123) [receiver=3.0.5]

dr...@wp.pl> I also tried rsync 2.6.9 on client side and I got:

dr...@wp.pl> opening tcp connection to saturn.nildram.co.uk port 873
dr...@wp.pl> opening connection using --server --sender -vvlWHogDtpr 
dr...@wp.pl> --numeric-ids --inplace . ALL/
dr...@wp.pl> receiving file list ...
dr...@wp.pl> [receiver] expand file_list to 262144 bytes, did move
dr...@wp.pl> [receiver] expand file_list to 524288 bytes, did move
dr...@wp.pl> [receiver] expand file_list to 1048576 bytes, did move
dr...@wp.pl> [receiver] expand file_list to 2097152 bytes, did move
dr...@wp.pl> [receiver] expand file_list to 4194304 bytes, did move
dr...@wp.pl> [receiver] expand file_list to 8388608 bytes, did move
dr...@wp.pl> overflow: flags=0x7a l1=255 l2=779
dr...@wp.pl> lastname=XXXX/YYYYY/c/0000000/www/sigs
dr...@wp.pl> ERROR: buffer overflow in receive_file_entry [receiver]
dr...@wp.pl> rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at
dr...@wp.pl> util.c(121) [receiver=2.6.9]

dr...@wp.pl> cd'ing locally to that directory is fine.

dr...@wp.pl> --
dr...@wp.pl> Robert Milkowski
dr...@wp.pl> http://milek.blogspot.com

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