Hi all,

I have rsync'ed directory /rootdir/dirdir/ from Server1 to Server2, using cmd on Server2 "rsync Server1:/rootdir/dirdir -avz /rootdir/dirdir". There were some sub-directories from Server1 got updated to become the symbolic links. For example, directory /rootdir/dirdir/subdir1/ now becomes the symbolic link /rootdir/dirdir/subdir1 pointing to the new created directory /rootdir/dirdir/subdir2/:

        Server1 % ls -ld /rootdir/dirdir/subdir1
        drwx-xr-x   3 vhuynh        512 Jul 12  2001 subdir1

        Server1 % ls -ld /rootdir/dirdir/subdir1
        lrwxrwxrwx   1 vhuynh         19 Sep  3  2002 subdir1 -> subdir2

Therefore, on the Server2, rsync could not update the old directory subdir1 to be the symbolic link as in the Server1. As the result, both subdir1 and subdir2 are directories:

Server2 % ls -ld /rootdir/dirdir/subdir1 /rootdir/dirdir/subdir2
drwx-xr-x 3 vhuynh 512 Jul 12 2001 subdir1
drwx-xr-x 3 vhuynh 512 Jul 12 2001 subdir2

My question is that how do we make rsync understands and update the directory subdir1 becomes the symbolic link as in Server1. Below is the rsync's error message I currently get when trying updating the Server2's data:

rsync: symlink "/rootdir/dirdir/subdir1" -> "subdir2": File exists
delete_file: rmdir(/rootdir/dirdir/subdir1) : File exists

                        Thanks, all!


-- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Vu Huynh * ___________________ * * CAD Support Engineer * ATMEL CORPORATION /_ _______________| * * * Columbia Design Center / || || \| _|| | * * Phone: (410) 423-4344 8820 Columbia 100 Parkway / || || | | || _|| |__ * * Fax: (410) 423-4302 Suite 300 /_/_||_||_|_|_||__||___/ * * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Columbia, MD 21045 |______________________/ * * * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*

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