On 12 Mar 2002, Rusty Carruth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I get the following error running rsync 2.5.2 on AIX 4.3 in combination
> > with SSH Secure Shell 2.3.0.
> > 
> > > rsync -e ssh myuserid@localhost:/tmp
> > myuserid's password:
> > /bin/ksh: rsync:  not found.
> > unexpected EOF in read_timeout
> > 
> > ...
> > Note: my PATH is set to include /usr/local/bin which is where rsync and ssh
> > are installed. rsync was installed from the binary distribution.

I think when you use F-Secure SSH your path is not being set, and
therefore rsync is not found.  You might test this using something

  ssh localhost 'echo $PATH'

A quick workaround is to tell rsync where the remote copy of rsync is

  rsync -e ssh --rsync-path /usr/local/bin/rsync myuserid@localhost:/tmp


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