
I am looking at rt-4.0.5 and it seems that you can tie a custom field into
a web service. I am curious about using this method to populate an
autocomplete list for my custom field. Specifically I'd like to make an
autocomplete field which is populated with the name column of the AT_ASSETS
table using a SQL query like 'SELECT name, description FROM AT_ASSETS ORDER
BY name ASC' so that I can easily look up an asset and link it to my
ticket, so that I can use assets like a cmdb.

I am currently looking at /opt/rt4/docs/extending/external_custom_field.pod
and it seems like that solution may work, but it does not include any
detail about using a web service.

Is there any documentation about using a webservice or does someone have an
example of its use? Or if someone has details about doing something like I
described above using another method I'd love to hear about that too.

Thanks for your advice!
RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston — March 5 & 6, 2012

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