
I've been banging my head on this for days... searched the lists high and
low... and I finally give up.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

I'd like to have the final "resolve comment" not be sent out. However, I
don't want to break the built-in functionality of the "On Comment Notify
AdminCcs as Comment".

Basically, I need a "On Comment Notify AdminCcs as Comment Unless Resolved".

I have two custom scrips that will notify the Owner and Requestor already.
(I use the method shown here:
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/68726#68726 to pull the final
comment into the email to the Requestor.)

I know this is probably just a matter of setting a custom condition... but I
just can't seem to get the syntax right! (I've tried pretty much every
combination I can think of, using this:
http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/CustomConditionSnippets and RT Essentials
as a guide.) I feel like I'm close... but I'm just missing that one little

My best guess:

Description: On Comment Notify AdminCcs as Comment Unless Resolved
Condition: User Defined
Action:Notify AdminCcs as Comment
Template: Global Template: Admin Comment
Stage: TransactionCreate

Custom Condition:
if ( $self->TransactionObj->Type eq "Comment"
     && $self->TransactionObj->Field eq "Status"
     && $self->TransactionObj->NewValue eq "resolved" )
return 0;
} else {
return 1;

Oh, mighty RT guru's... can someone help a guy out?

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