[rt-users] Implement a function in RT 3.8.8

2013-01-29 Thread Julien CAUNAN
t; I don't understand why. Can you help me ? Best regards, Julien CAUNAN Support Moyens De Tests Av. Paul Gellos, BP 531 - 64105 - BAYONNE Cedex - FRANCE julien.cau...@bmscircuits.com Tél : +33 (0)5 59 58 41 51 Mob : Fax : +33 (0)5 59 58 57 01 www.bmscircuits.com [http://nsa22.casimag

[rt-users] Time manage tickets.

2012-10-30 Thread Julien CAUNAN
information about this topic before I try developpe it ? Than you very much to your help. Best regards, Julien CAUNAN Support Moyens De Tests Av. Paul Gellos, BP 531 - 64105 - BAYONNE Cedex - FRANCE julien.cau...@bmscircuits.com Tél : +33 (0)5 59 58 41 51 Mob : Fax : +33 (0)5 59 58 57

Re: [rt-users] Problem with JSGantt Extension.

2012-10-24 Thread Julien CAUNAN
equête $requete_sql_pointage : $DBI::errstr"; # Déconnexion de la base de données $dbh->disconnect(); Can you tell me how can I do that ? And "extension RT-Authen-ExternalAuth", would be it work in my case ? I 've this extension in my RT for an other function and it wor

[rt-users] RT-Authen-ExternalAuth.

2012-10-22 Thread Julien CAUNAN
'S760044', '2', $args{Ordre Byo}, $worked, $day/$mon/$yr $hr:$min:$sec, $user ) or die "Echec Requête $requete_sql_pointage : $DBI::errstr"; # Déconnexion de la base de données $dbh->disconnect(); Can you tell me how can I do that ? And "extension RT-Authen-Ext

[rt-users] Problem with JSGantt Extension.

2012-10-16 Thread Julien CAUNAN
Hi, I've installed "RT-Extension-JSGantt" with (middle) success but it doesn't appear on my RT. It seems that it needs to apply a patch, someone can tell me how do you apply this patch (the real procedure). Thank you for your help. Best regards, Julien CAUNAN Sup