[rt-users] RT Content-Type default to text/html

2011-03-21 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
Hello, Based on setting the content-type to text/html, looks like RT would send it as multi-part message with both text and HTML as attachments. https://github.com/bestpractical/rt/blob/rt-3.8.7/docs/templates.pod#Special_Headers I was wondering if there is a way to always have the default emai

[rt-users] HTML/Richtext email with RT

2011-03-16 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
We have been running RT 3.8.7 on ubuntu 10.10 for about a month now and almost all of our ticket creation is via the email interface. Our user's email client is Outlook and most of the time when our helpdesk responds they answer via email too. The complaint I hear is that all the font, font co

[rt-users] Forwarding email to RT

2011-02-21 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
Are there any best approaches to forwarding email to RT on somebody's behalf and make them the "Requestor". I have installed "Command-By-Mail" and it works fine as long as users don't forget to put "Requestor:" in the first part of the email. If they forward the email without those commands and

[rt-users] Adding a mailto link on the login page

2011-02-10 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
Hi, I was wondering if there is an example out somewhere which shows how to add a mailto link or something like that in case the user cannot login to RT to even open a ticket, may be a mail to RT administrator? Thanks,

[rt-users] RTFM Content from SelfService

2011-01-26 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
Is there a way for unprivileged users to view existing RTFM articles and the contents using SelfService? We are running RT 3.8.7 using RTFM 2.4.2 and for unprivileged users even after giving "ShowACL", "ShowArticle", "See Class" and "SeeCustomField" rights, we are unable to see the Content field

[rt-users] Avoid ticket creation if not in the To address

2011-01-24 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
Is there any way in RT where we could avoid ticket creation if the "Request Tracker" is not part of "To" list. We have emails auto creating tickets from some novice users who just CC emails to the Request tracker and most of them they are not intended to be tickets, instead in these scenarios we

[rt-users] User Display List Restriction..

2010-11-22 Thread Narayanaswamy, Nagaraj
Hello RT Gurus, A RT newbie question.. Is there a way to restrict the list of users to only the users of the queue?? We have several queues here and when a tickets comes into a particular queue, and if a person managing the queue for that day wants to assign the ticket to a particular user, a