Hi All,

I'm running RT 4.4.1, on BackBox Linux 4.6 (GNU/Linux 4.2.0-42-generic x86_64).

I'm trying to replace a bespoke ITIL Change Management system that we're about to lose access to. The old system was cobbled together on SalesForce & was essentially a matter of pressing a "New Change" button, filling out a Change Request form, then submitting it for approval. The system then forwards the change to the "Technical Approver", then when they approve the CR, it goes to the CAB1, then CAB2, then the Customer Scheduler & finally, back to the requester, as an approved change request (if you've done your homework & satisfied everybody).

I've knocked up a change form, purely to show the sort of thing we have now - it's non-functional, other than to remind me of what I'm trying to replace - this is a snapshot of that form: https://furrie.net/sites/default/files/images/ChangeForm.png

There are loads of systems that say they're change management tools, but they mean inventory/asset/hardware/software change management. I figured that RT was probably my best bet, as I can install it and see if I can even get close to what I want. It's quite the learning curve. I feel like I don't really know what to google for, in respect of my desired functionality (it took me a day of fumbling about, to realise that I had to log in as root, to see any configuration options - seriously, it made me feel old *sigh*

I've created some users, some groups, a ChangeQ queue, and some custom fields, but right now, I'm in the dark as to how/if I can tie them all together, to get an approximation of the desired system.

Please can you lovely, friendly rt-users let me know if what I'm trying to achieve, is even possible? I wouldn't want to bash my head against the wall for a week, only to find out I've wasted my time. If you could point me towards any resources that might aid my quest, please do! Please be gentle, this is my first time.

Chris Phillips
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day! 
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

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