I'm sorry for being such a newbie. I've searched all over and can't seem to
figure out how to enable logging. I went into RT_SiteConfig.pm and added
these lines:
Set($LogToFileNamed , '/opt/rt3.8/etc/rt.log');
Set($LogToSyslog , 'debug');
Then I changed the permissions for rt.log to b
Chris Nelson wrote:
> Thanks for the response. I can't find the file called rt.log. I've done
> a locate for it and it doesn't show up - might it be called something
> else? (I would not have changed it's default value on purpose).
rt.log is only created is you tell rt to log to a specified rt
Thanks for the response. I can't find the file called rt.log. I've done a
locate for it and it doesn't show up - might it be called something else? (I
would not have changed it's default value on purpose).
Here is my RT_SiteConfig.pm file (where I've only changed the db info so it
doesn't have my
Can you post your RT_Siteconfig and the output. From your rt.log please
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-Original Message-
From: "Chris Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2008 10:01:59
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Blank Web page when clicking on some queues in RT