Okay, now that I've thoroughly humiliated myself by asking about RTx-Shredder, another question: How can I add a theme to the Theme pull-down list in the General section of Preferences? I created a custom theme and put it in a directory in ./local/html/NoAuth/css, and I can set WebDefaultStylesheet to the name of the theme directory, and that works. But it doesn't show up in the theme pull-down. The only place I can find the themes hard-coded is in lib/RT/Config.pm, in the WidgetArguments->Values metadata for WebDefaultStylesheet. I tried creating my own Config_Local.pm and overriding LoadConfigs and altering the metadata there, but that didn't work. Thanks.

Karl Boyken

Karl Boyken, system administrator karl-boy...@uiowa.edu 303A MLH, Dept. of Comp. Sci. http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~boyken/ The U. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 319-335-2730 (voice) 319-335-3668 (fax)

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