So I've been chasing this bug around in the code for over an hour, and  
all I can say at this point is I REALLY HATE GLOBAL VARIABLES.

There is absolutely no reason for having subroutines modify global  
variables, and it makes the code darn hard to debug.  If I was to do  
the work to make all of these modules strict, would you accept the  

On Jun 2, 2009, at 12:25 PM, Jo Rhett wrote:
> rt-shredder --plugin help-Users
> (snip)
> no_tickets - boolean
>    If true then plugin looks for users who are not watchers (Owners,
>    Requestors, Ccs or AdminCcs) of any ticket.
> Well, using the following command gets me thousands of results:
>       rt-shredder --plugin  
> "Users=no_tickets;status,any;replace_relations,Nobody;limit,10000" -- 
> sqldump /u/rtweb/shredder-restore-users.sql
> Investigating these users, I find that all of them are Ccs of  
> tickets, but are not Requestors of any tickets.  This seems to  
> conflict with both the documentation for the option, and the  
> expected result.
> -- 
> Jo Rhett
> Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
> and other randomness

Jo Rhett
Net Consonance : consonant endings by net philanthropy, open source  
and other randomness


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