
it appears that in the past I have been constantly updating rt, but did
not run database update script afterwards. This went on for a few
versions (probably since 4.0.8 until 4.0.19).

Next, I upgraded to latest major version - 4.2.2, and have run database
update script, specifying 4.0.19 as a version being upgraded from.
Upgrade finished without errors, but now I have warnings in rt log:

Use of uninitialized value in lc
at /usr/local/share/rt42/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle line 131
Use of uninitialized value in lc
at /usr/local/share/rt42/html/Elements/QueueSummaryByLifecycle line 66.

I was told this was due to skipped 4.0.9 upgrade step:

What does one do in situation like this?
Marko Cupać
RT Training London, March 19-20 and Dallas May 20-21

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