Title: Hmmm... it has been edited, but here is the original cut and paste
Leave Wingnut alone.  We like him just fine.
"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."
- Jimi Hendrix
----- Original Message -----
From: willbro3
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 3:07 PM
Subject: Hmmm... it has been edited, but here is the original cut and paste


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Hmmm... it has been edited, but here is the original cut and paste

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Posted by Tide-One on September 07, 2003 at 09:33:30:

In Reply to: Interesting thread from an au board(link) posted by Tide-One on September 07, 2003 at 00:20:15:

Registered User
Posts: 819
(9/6/03 7:30:28 pm )

I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
...I ain't to mad to talk to the old coach...a few of us are gettin' together (by request from some old friend) and we're going to have a long talk with a old friend and mentor up on the lake outside Auburn ... this week ... he ain't and we ain't gonna take this garbage anymore, we've just got to converse about this then take it to 'THE MAN' at AU ... changes are gonna have to be made in some form ... count on it ... I'll be back later.


Edited by: Ausome at: 9/7/03 12:26:44 am

Registered User
Posts: 700
(9/6/03 7:36:23 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
somebody better get their checkbook out.

Registered User
Posts: 822
(9/6/03 7:42:17 pm )

It's out ...
...already checked.


Registered User
Posts: 2989
(9/6/03 7:43:30 pm )

This one is not going to sit well with the old guard
Losing to Tech is really much worse than losing to USC. Lot of the influentials are old enough to still have a healthy hate for the ramblin' wreck.

Losing to Vandy, as unthinkable as it was a few weeks ago and always should be, is a distinct possibility now. If that happens, you probably won't need to twist any arms.

I'm with you. I'm tired of feeling this way. There is too much talent on this team for these results. This is a poorly, poorly coached team.

Registered User
Posts: 702
(9/6/03 7:47:53 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
I don't know if you completely blame the coaches or the protection or what, but Jason Campbell is to easy to defend. He is scared to pull the trigger can't see the field.

Registered User
Posts: 823
(9/6/03 8:19:22 pm )

It ain't settin' well at all...
...thing is, I'm not even the one behind this 'movement' ... my cell was ringing as soon as I got in my truck today after the game ... and it ain't stopped yet.

This is the most talent we've had at AU, possibly ever on one team Coaches Dye and Bowden could easily have run the table ...

I ain't even gonna repeat what one old friend of the university called our current one awhile ago....it wasn't pretty, but it was to the point...

This may hurt some up front if some things come to pass...


Registered User
Posts: 3
(9/6/03 8:24:02 pm )

Ausome you just HAVE to give me some hope!!!! Please tell me you know something is going to happen to make this better. I can't take it! It's like we have all the ingredients there to FINALLY have a real shot, but no leaders to make it happen. As pissed as I am at TT I think I should be MORE pissed at the AD or maybe the Pres or who the hell ever makes the REAL decision of coaches coming and going!!! Please! THrow me a bone!! TELL ME IT'S GOING TO GET BETTER!

Registered User
Posts: 825
(9/6/03 8:33:49 pm )

…what I can tell you is there are a number of us formers that are mad as he** about how the university is being dragged down by this (athletically speaking of course). We have lost all credibility in the national spotlight and its not going to come back as long as things remain the way they are.

I have talked with a dear old friend that I tend to think of as a second father from back in the day and he is so mad he can’t even talk about it right now….that is why we are all going to sit on it a day or so and then have a nice outing at his place one day this week.

As you know, the person(s) who matter, can and will make anything happen whenever is necessary regardless of situations or terms.

This goes beyond a coaching staff problem. This staff has lost its credibility and it will begin to hurt our recruiting in the future … nationally we are chumps.

I wish I could give some positives for this year, but in our minds its over, mostly because the confidence is gone and it is not coming back.

Just understand that there are those of us that have the TRUE interest of the university in mind that are already working to right this ship while we have an enormous amount of talent with which to work.


Registered User
Posts: 422
(9/6/03 8:41:48 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Show Ensminger the door first!
Damn he has wasted a TON of talent.

Registered User
Posts: 740
(9/6/03 8:44:35 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Man what I wouldn't give to be a fly on that wall. We are all going to hold you to your word Ausome. Don't let us down brother. Do us proud and run this cirucus out of town.

Registered User
Posts: 14
(9/6/03 8:47:40 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Hey AUSOME, just who the h*& are you? You seem to have lots of "fighting words" and seem to be good at getting these other people on your bandwagon, but I could sit here and say everything you're saying, and I'm just an ol' high school teacher--not an ex=player.
So, just who are you? Why should we believe anything you're saying?

Registered User
Posts: 24
(9/6/03 8:49:13 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Get rid of Housel get Dye as AD! Get Pat at HC. Get Nix at OC

Registered User
Posts: 364
(9/6/03 8:52:04 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
I hope this is credible and not the ole whisky talking.

I agree, the biggest waste of talent in years. Tubs should be ashamed to talk. UTEP could have whooped us today as predictable and porous as we were on offense. GD it. Im am so pissed. The Bear has just raised from his grave and is laughing his ass off.

Registered User
Posts: 15
(9/6/03 8:52:28 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
I don't believe Pat Sullivan could get the job done. AU people would be patient for a couple of years, and if he couldn't get the job done, it would be very hard to run an AU Heisman trophy winner out of town! So we would be stuck with him! A head coach needs to be a motivator!!! Not shy and passive--a leader! Coach Jordan and Coach Dye knocked heads on the sidelines--showed some passion and got the players fired up! It's been a long time since I've seen our players run out from under the stadium at the beginning of the game all fired up!! They just trot onto the field!

Registered User
Posts: 91
(9/6/03 8:57:20 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
It ain't much, but I have $100 to contribute to a buyout!

And, I suspect there are a whole raft of other $100 buyout donors out there too.

Hell, I'll be willing to go double and I am on Social Security!

But right now? :

Registered User
Posts: 343
(9/6/03 9:21:15 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
"My time is up. I thank you for yours" Jim Fyffe. A true Auburn man!

Registered User
Posts: 618
(9/6/03 9:22:11 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
"Get rid of Housel "

I'd love this, but it aint happening. The MAN likes him.

"get Dye as AD!"

The NCAA hates him. It ain't happening.

"Get Pat at HC."

Now you're smoking crack. No one in their right mind thinks that Pat Sullivan is top tier head coaching matierial.

" Get Nix at OC "

This is possible, but let's see how GT does the rest of the year before we clamor for Pat Nix to come home.

"Chaos, Panic, Disorder....My work here is done"

Registered Grump
Posts: 1818
(9/6/03 9:22:57 pm )

Well Brother......
If the book's out already, keep it down home, but you can e-mail me....I'd go for Petrino or Les Miles from out here....

Registered User
Posts: 183
(9/6/03 9:23:34 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
this needs to stay close to the top..sounds interesting

Registered User
Posts: 827
(9/6/03 9:28:06 pm )

Send me an email if you like...
...be glad to jaw a tad over the coming days...


Registered User
Posts: 233
(9/6/03 9:29:29 pm )

You're right......
Let's keep what we've got and continue to suck.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch,"TANSTAAFL"

Man in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

A Selected Book from Amazon.com:
Crimson Coronation
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Title: Hmmm... it has been edited, but here is the original cut and paste
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Hmmm... it has been edited, but here is the original cut and paste

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Posted by Tide-One on September 07, 2003 at 09:33:30:

In Reply to: Interesting thread from an au board(link) posted by Tide-One on September 07, 2003 at 00:20:15:

Registered User
Posts: 819
(9/6/03 7:30:28 pm )

I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
...I ain't to mad to talk to the old coach...a few of us are gettin' together (by request from some old friend) and we're going to have a long talk with a old friend and mentor up on the lake outside Auburn ... this week ... he ain't and we ain't gonna take this garbage anymore, we've just got to converse about this then take it to 'THE MAN' at AU ... changes are gonna have to be made in some form ... count on it ... I'll be back later.


Edited by: Ausome at: 9/7/03 12:26:44 am

Registered User
Posts: 700
(9/6/03 7:36:23 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
somebody better get their checkbook out.

Registered User
Posts: 822
(9/6/03 7:42:17 pm )

It's out ...
...already checked.


Registered User
Posts: 2989
(9/6/03 7:43:30 pm )

This one is not going to sit well with the old guard
Losing to Tech is really much worse than losing to USC. Lot of the influentials are old enough to still have a healthy hate for the ramblin' wreck.

Losing to Vandy, as unthinkable as it was a few weeks ago and always should be, is a distinct possibility now. If that happens, you probably won't need to twist any arms.

I'm with you. I'm tired of feeling this way. There is too much talent on this team for these results. This is a poorly, poorly coached team.

Registered User
Posts: 702
(9/6/03 7:47:53 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
I don't know if you completely blame the coaches or the protection or what, but Jason Campbell is to easy to defend. He is scared to pull the trigger can't see the field.

Registered User
Posts: 823
(9/6/03 8:19:22 pm )

It ain't settin' well at all...
...thing is, I'm not even the one behind this 'movement' ... my cell was ringing as soon as I got in my truck today after the game ... and it ain't stopped yet.

This is the most talent we've had at AU, possibly ever on one team Coaches Dye and Bowden could easily have run the table ...

I ain't even gonna repeat what one old friend of the university called our current one awhile ago....it wasn't pretty, but it was to the point...

This may hurt some up front if some things come to pass...


Registered User
Posts: 3
(9/6/03 8:24:02 pm )

Ausome you just HAVE to give me some hope!!!! Please tell me you know something is going to happen to make this better. I can't take it! It's like we have all the ingredients there to FINALLY have a real shot, but no leaders to make it happen. As pissed as I am at TT I think I should be MORE pissed at the AD or maybe the Pres or who the hell ever makes the REAL decision of coaches coming and going!!! Please! THrow me a bone!! TELL ME IT'S GOING TO GET BETTER!

Registered User
Posts: 825
(9/6/03 8:33:49 pm )

…what I can tell you is there are a number of us formers that are mad as he** about how the university is being dragged down by this (athletically speaking of course). We have lost all credibility in the national spotlight and its not going to come back as long as things remain the way they are.

I have talked with a dear old friend that I tend to think of as a second father from back in the day and he is so mad he can’t even talk about it right now….that is why we are all going to sit on it a day or so and then have a nice outing at his place one day this week.

As you know, the person(s) who matter, can and will make anything happen whenever is necessary regardless of situations or terms.

This goes beyond a coaching staff problem. This staff has lost its credibility and it will begin to hurt our recruiting in the future … nationally we are chumps.

I wish I could give some positives for this year, but in our minds its over, mostly because the confidence is gone and it is not coming back.

Just understand that there are those of us that have the TRUE interest of the university in mind that are already working to right this ship while we have an enormous amount of talent with which to work.


Registered User
Posts: 422
(9/6/03 8:41:48 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Show Ensminger the door first!
Damn he has wasted a TON of talent.

Registered User
Posts: 740
(9/6/03 8:44:35 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Man what I wouldn't give to be a fly on that wall. We are all going to hold you to your word Ausome. Don't let us down brother. Do us proud and run this cirucus out of town.

Registered User
Posts: 14
(9/6/03 8:47:40 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Hey AUSOME, just who the h*& are you? You seem to have lots of "fighting words" and seem to be good at getting these other people on your bandwagon, but I could sit here and say everything you're saying, and I'm just an ol' high school teacher--not an ex=player.
So, just who are you? Why should we believe anything you're saying?

Registered User
Posts: 24
(9/6/03 8:49:13 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
Get rid of Housel get Dye as AD! Get Pat at HC. Get Nix at OC

Registered User
Posts: 364
(9/6/03 8:52:04 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
I hope this is credible and not the ole whisky talking.

I agree, the biggest waste of talent in years. Tubs should be ashamed to talk. UTEP could have whooped us today as predictable and porous as we were on offense. GD it. Im am so pissed. The Bear has just raised from his grave and is laughing his ass off.

Registered User
Posts: 15
(9/6/03 8:52:28 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
I don't believe Pat Sullivan could get the job done. AU people would be patient for a couple of years, and if he couldn't get the job done, it would be very hard to run an AU Heisman trophy winner out of town! So we would be stuck with him! A head coach needs to be a motivator!!! Not shy and passive--a leader! Coach Jordan and Coach Dye knocked heads on the sidelines--showed some passion and got the players fired up! It's been a long time since I've seen our players run out from under the stadium at the beginning of the game all fired up!! They just trot onto the field!

Registered User
Posts: 91
(9/6/03 8:57:20 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
It ain't much, but I have $100 to contribute to a buyout!

And, I suspect there are a whole raft of other $100 buyout donors out there too.

Hell, I'll be willing to go double and I am on Social Security!

But right now? :

Registered User
Posts: 343
(9/6/03 9:21:15 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
"My time is up. I thank you for yours" Jim Fyffe. A true Auburn man!

Registered User
Posts: 618
(9/6/03 9:22:11 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
"Get rid of Housel "

I'd love this, but it aint happening. The MAN likes him.

"get Dye as AD!"

The NCAA hates him. It ain't happening.

"Get Pat at HC."

Now you're smoking crack. No one in their right mind thinks that Pat Sullivan is top tier head coaching matierial.

" Get Nix at OC "

This is possible, but let's see how GT does the rest of the year before we clamor for Pat Nix to come home.

"Chaos, Panic, Disorder....My work here is done"

Registered Grump
Posts: 1818
(9/6/03 9:22:57 pm )

Well Brother......
If the book's out already, keep it down home, but you can e-mail me....I'd go for Petrino or Les Miles from out here....

Registered User
Posts: 183
(9/6/03 9:23:34 pm )

Re: I'm too dam* mad to post right now, but...
this needs to stay close to the top..sounds interesting

Registered User
Posts: 827
(9/6/03 9:28:06 pm )

Send me an email if you like...
...be glad to jaw a tad over the coming days...


Registered User
Posts: 233
(9/6/03 9:29:29 pm )

You're right......
Let's keep what we've got and continue to suck.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch,"TANSTAAFL"

Man in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

A Selected Book from Amazon.com:
Crimson Coronation
Other selections.

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