A friend sent this to me and it made me laugh  : )

> I thought I'd share some of the impressions I got from a recent trip to
the Middle East.  Folks, things are bad over there. You walk the streets,
you really get a sense of the hopelessness of the region. Substandard
housing, poor educational facilities, a low literacy rate... these people
are not
> intellectually equipped to believe anything other than the propaganda
their leaders spew. They truly hate us. I think they are jealous of our
lifestyle, our affluence, our many advantages.  They have a keen resentment
of our arrogance, but, in spite of their frequent demonstrations of defiance
and our own recent setbacks in the court of public opinion, I believe they
truly fear us.

Well, anyway. It'll be a cold day in hell the next time I set foot in the
Middle Eastern part of Alabama again, particularly in Lee County.

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